臨牀消化器内科 Vol.18 No.12(3)

特集名 C型肝炎 -- 最新の治療
題名 C型慢性肝炎に対するインターフェロン・リバビリン併用療法 -- わが国における治験の成績
発刊年月 2003年 11月
著者 泉 並木 武蔵野赤十字病院消化器科
【 要旨 】 リバビリンとインターフェロン (IFN) α2b併用の主要な開発試験が三つ行われた.ゲノタイプ1b型・高HCV RNA量症例の有効性試験,IFN単独無効・再燃例に対する再治療試験,薬物動態試験である.このなかでゲノタイプ1b・高HCV RNA量例に対して併用療法は著効 (SVR) 率20%とIFN単独治療よりも有意に高率であった.ゲノタイプ1b・高HCVRNA量以外に対しては,再治療例に限った試験で75%の高いSVR率が得られ,IFN単独での29%よりも有意に高率であった.併用療法ではHCV動態第二相の抗ウイルス作用の増強がみられた.従来のIFN単独療法とは異なり,治療開始4週目で初めてHCV RNAが陰性化した例でも著効が得られた.
Theme An Update on Hepatitis C Treatment
Title Ribavirin Combination Therapy; Japanese Multicenter Randomized Study
Author Namiki Izumi Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Musashino Red-Cross Hospital
[ Summary ] Eradication rates for HCV concomitantly with adverse events with ribavirin and interferon (IFN) alfa-2b combination therapy over twenty four weeks were analyzed in randomized controlled trials in Japan. Viral eradication rates for genotype 1b infection with high viral loads were found to be 20%, which was significantly higher than IFN monotherapy. Viraleradication was observed in 75% of the patients excluding genotype 1b, with high viral loads usingcombination therapy. When HCV RNA was analyzed after initiating combination treatment, the negative predictive value was 92.6%, suggesting that sustained virological response may be obtained in 7 to 8% of the patients. Sustained virological response was observed in 4% of the patients in whom plasma HCV RNA first became undetectable after twelve weeks of treatment. Evaluation of HCV dynamics revealed significant improvement in the second phase, using combination therapy compared to IFN monotherapy. From these results, ribavirin has been suggested to have additional positive effects in eradicationg virus-infected hepatocytes in patients with chronic hepatitis C.