臨牀消化器内科 Vol.18 No.11(9)

特集名 食道癌治療 -- 最近の話題
題名 食道癌の遺伝子治療
発刊年月 2003年 10月
著者 島田 英明 千葉大学大学院医学研究院先端応用外科学
著者 松原 久裕 千葉大学大学院医学研究院先端応用外科学
著者 落合 武徳 千葉大学大学院医学研究院先端応用外科学
【 要旨 】 放射線化学療法に抵抗性の進行食道癌に対する新たな治療法の開発が求められている.われわれは,食道癌の発癌初期段階から約半数にp53遺伝子異常を認めていること,p53遺伝子異常は化学療法に対する抵抗性と関連していること,予後不良因子であることなどを明らかにしてきた.そこで,新たな治療戦略として進行食道癌に対するp53遺伝子治療の基礎的検討を進めてきた.2000年12月より第1症例の治療を開始し,2003年4月現在までに,放射線治療抵抗性の進行食道癌9例に対して合計42回の遺伝子治療を実施した.9例中4例が生存中であり,3例は治療開始後1年以上生存している.現在まで,重篤な副作用なく安全に治療が施行されている.
Theme Current Topics on The Treatment for Esophageal Cancer
Title Gene Therapy for Esophageal Cancer
Author Hideaki Shimada Department of Academic Surgery, Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine
Author Hisahiro Matsubara Department of Academic Surgery, Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine
Author Takenori Ochiai Department of Academic Surgery, Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Esophageal cancer is a highly malignant disease, in which progression of the disease is observed in most patients, even during the first medical examination. Although combination therapies consisting of radiation and anti-cancer drug sexist, no satisfactory treatment regimen has yet been established, due to resistance acquisition. Based on the concepts of genetic alteration in carcinogenesis, gene therapy for cancer has been rapidly developing. We reported on the growth inhibitory effects of adenovirus-mediated wild type p53 gene transfer into esophageal squamous carcinoma cell lines. After extensive pre-clinical study of p53 gene therapy in vitro and in vivo, we are conducting a phase I/II clinical trial. The target of this trial is those patients with unresectable esophageal cancer, which is resistant to chemoradiotherapy.
After giving informed consent, the first patient received injections of Ad5 CMV-p53 on December 19, 2000. Up to April 1, 2003, nine patients were enrolled in this trial. No serious adverse events have occurred so far in these patients, and the trial has been safely conducted.