臨牀消化器内科 Vol.18 No.11(8)

特集名 食道癌治療 -- 最近の話題
題名 食道癌治療におけるPETの意義
発刊年月 2003年 10月
著者 加藤 広行 群馬大学医学部第一外科
著者 桑野 博行 群馬大学医学部第一外科
【 要旨 】 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) を用いたpositron emission tomography (PET) は,悪性腫瘍での糖代謝が亢進していることを利用した検査法であり,組織代謝に基づいた生理学的情報を画像化することによって,悪性腫瘍の診断を可能にしている.現在さまざまな悪性腫瘍の診断に用いられ,その有効性が報告されている.食道癌においても, リンパ節転移診断,遠隔転移診断,および治療効果判定などに有用性が認められている.また従来の形態学的診断が中心である画像診断では,診断困難である術後再発診断にも有効であり,所在不明な転移巣などを同定することも可能である.
Theme Current Topics on The Treatment for Esophageal Cancer
Title Clinical Significance of Positron Emission Tomography for Esophageal Cancer
Author Hiroyuki Kato Department of Surgery I, Gunma University Faculty of Medicine
Author Hiroyuki Kuwano Department of Surgery I, Gunma University Faculty of Medicine
[ Summary ] Positron emission tomography (PET) with 18F-fluor odeoxyglucose (FDG) provides physiological information that enables a cancer diagnosis to be based on altered tissue metabolism. The role and potential value of PET scanning in certain tumors, including in esophageal carcinoma, has been widely investigated in recent years. It has heen suggested that FDG-PET imaging can facilitate diagnosis in patients with malignant diseases by helping to differentiate between benign and malignant tumors, assess the extent of the disease, detect tumor recurrence, and monitor response to therapy.
Conventional anatomical imaging procedures, in cluding computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and endoscopic ultrasound(EUS), have receintly become available for the initial staging of thoracic esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), predicting response to therapy, and the postoperative diagnosis of recurrent disease.
In this paper, we reported on the clinical performance of FDG-PET imaging for esophageal carcinoma. FDG-PET imaging is a useful tool for evaluating the initial stages of esophageal SCC. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of lymph node staging were higher with FDG-PET, particularly in the neck and upper thoracic regions, compared with computed tomography. We also suggested FDG-PET imaging may be of considerable value in predicting the pathological response of esophageal SCC to preoperative therapy, and for the diagnosis of recurrent esophageal carcinoma.