臨牀消化器内科 Vol.18 No.10(8)

特集名 Neurogastroenterologyの幕開け
題名 レプチンと消化管機能
発刊年月 2003年 09月
著者 村田 浩昭 大阪大学大学院病態情報内科学
著者 辻 晋吾 大阪大学大学院病態情報内科学
著者 富 海英 大阪大学大学院機能診断科学
著者 川野 淳 大阪大学大学院機能診断科学
【 要旨 】 血中レプチンは一般に視床下部に働き,摂食活動を抑制する.胃内でもレプチンが産生されるがその量は少なく,脂肪組織より放出されるものとは異なる働きをもつ.また,レプチン受容体はとくに被蓋上皮細胞に存在し,autocrine,paracrineによりレプチンが作用している可能性が高い.Helicobacter pylori感染では,胃内のレプチン量は増加するが,血中濃度にはあまり影響がなく,胃局所や迷走神経を介して働く.レプチンには細胞増殖刺激作用もあり,胃内で抗潰瘍作用をもつと思われる.腸においては,腸管運動亢進,炎症惹起に関与している.このようにレプチンは消化管局所と中枢刺激の両面で作用している.
Theme The Beginning of Neurogastroenterology
Title Leptin and Gastrointestinal Function
Author Hiroaki Murata Department of Internal Medicine and Therapeutics, Osaka University Graduate School
Author Shingo Tsuji Department of Internal Medicine and Therapeutics, Osaka University Graduate School
Author Hai Ying Fu Department of Clinical Laboratory, Science, School of Allied Health Scierces, Osaka University Graduate School
Author Sunao Kawano Department of Clinical Laboratory, Science, School of Allied Health Scierces, Osaka University Graduate School
[ Summary ] Serum leptin is involved in the regulation of food intake by stimulating hypothalamic receptors. Leptin is produced or stored in the stomach, mainly in the chief cells and parietal cells, other than fat tissue, and it may exert its function locally as well as via the vagal afferent loop. Its receptors exist in the stomach and intestine, and it may stimulate the receptors in an autocrine or paracrine manner. In the gastric mucosa infected with Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori), the content of leptin is increased without elevated serum leptin levels. The possibility has been shown that H.pylori infection affects the body mass index (BMI) through inhibition of food intake in association with leptin production in the stomach. It exhibits anti-ulcer ogenic properties in the stomach as well as a proliferative effect on the gastric epithelial cells. In the intestine, leptin stimulates motility and may exacerbate immune reactions. Collectively, locally and via afferent nerve fibers, leptin exerts a variety of functions in the gastrointestinal tract exhibiting receptors in a different manner from how leptin, released from fat tissue, stimulates the hypothalamic receptors.