臨牀消化器内科 Vol.18 No.10(11)

特集名 Neurogastroenterologyの幕開け
題名 延髄TRHと胃粘膜傷害
発刊年月 2003年 09月
著者 金子 宏 愛知医科大学看護学部病態治療学
著者 小長谷 敏浩 愛知医科大学医学部消化器内科
著者 各務 伸一 愛知医科大学医学部消化器内科
【 要旨 】 ラットを寒冷拘束ストレスに曝露すると胃体部に粘膜傷害が出現する.この変化はTRHを迷走神経背側運動核(DMN)に投与した際の変化に類似すること,TRH中和抗体処理により消失することから,DMNのTRHが関与することが示唆される.神経細胞興奮物質を縫線核に微量注入し内因性TRHを放出させた場合も胃粘膜傷害が発生する.縫線核でTRHと共存するセロトニンは傷害促進的に作用する.一方,少量の外因性・内因性TRHは粘膜傷害誘発物質による胃粘膜傷害を抑制する.このTRHの二面性作用は,胃局所における攻撃因子と防御因子のバランスによって規定される.今後は,臨床での胃粘膜傷害における延髄TRHの役割を検討することは興味深いことと考えられる.
Theme The Beginning of Neurogastroenterology
Title Role of Medullary TRH on Gastric Mucosal Injury
Author Hiroshi Kaneko Pathophysiology and Therapeutics, Aichi Medical University College of Nursing
Author Toshihiro Konagaya Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Aichi Medical University School of Medicine
Author Shinichi Kakumu Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Aichi Medical University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Cold restraint stress (CRS) induced corpus mucosal erosions with hemorrhaging in rats. Aggressive factors, such as gastric acid, pepsin and high amplitude contractions have been reported to be responsible for gastric mucosal injury formation. Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) micro-injected into the cisterna magna or the dorsal motor nucleus (DMN) of the vagus (which contributes axons forming the gastric branch of the vagus) induced gastric injury similar to that seen with CRS and both were prevented by immuno-neutralization with TRH antibody injected centrally. These findings indicated that TRH on the DMN may contribute to CRS-induced gastric mucosal lesions. On the contrary, either exogenous or endogenous TRH at a sub-threshold dose increasing gastric acid secretion, alleviates gastric injury induced by intragastric administration of a strong irritant in rats. The dual action of TRH in the medulla on gastric integrity is mediated through activation of peripheral vagal-cholinergic pathways and the enteric nervous system. The outcome reflects the balance between aggressive factors such as gastric acid, and contractions and protective factors, including calcitonin gene-related peptide, nitric oxide and prostaglandins. The implications for medullary TRH actions obtained from animal experiments should be investigated in the pathogenesis of human gastric injury.