臨牀消化器内科 Vol.18 No.10(1)

特集名 Neurogastroenterologyの幕開け
題名 神経内分泌系と腸管粘膜免疫機構
発刊年月 2003年 09月
著者 名倉 宏 仙台社会保険病院病理部,仙台大学運動栄養学科
著者 名倉 洋子 東北大学大学院医学系研究科病理学講座
著者 笹野 公伸 東北大学大学院医学系研究科病理学講座
【 要旨 】 腸管粘膜における生体機能の恒常性維持や調節機構は,神経-内分泌-免疫-栄養代謝の密接な関係の許で行われている.腸管粘膜は多種多様な微生物や食物抗原に曝されているが,腸管粘膜はそれらから生体を防御するとともに,それらのなかから生体に必要な物質を選択的に取り込み生体機能の恒常性維持をはかっている.この恒常性維持に主要な働きをしているのが粘膜免疫機構であるが,粘膜免疫機構を調節しているのが中枢,末梢神経からの神経ペプチド,視床下部-下垂体-副腎からの内分泌反応軸に関わるホルモン,さらに動物の摂食行動や栄養代謝に関わるレプチンが相互に密接に関連して機能している.逆にこれらの内分泌反応軸や栄養代謝系経路が粘膜免疫機構を調節している.
Theme The Beginning of Neurogastroenterology
Title Interplay Between the Immune, Nervous and Endocrine Systems in the Intestinal Mucosa
Author Hiroshi Nagura Division of Pathology, Sendai Shakai Hoken Hospital / Division of Athletics and Nutrition, Sendai College
Author Yohko Nagura Department of Pathology, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine
Author Hironobu Sasano Department of Pathology, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Anatomic associations exist between nerve fibers and cellular components of the immune system. The nervous system can interact with the immune system and affect the mutual expression of receptors and mutual usage of mediators that were originally derived from these two dissimilar systems, suggesting a functional relationship between these two systems. In addition, the immune system is also regulated in part by the central nervous and the endocrine systems acting principally via the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, which is the key player in stress responses. Cytokines, for example, are chemical messengers that stimulate the HPA axis when the body is under stress or experiencing an infection, and act either directly or indirectly to increase the production of releasing hormones in the HPA axis. Leptin, the product of the ob gene regulates food intake as well as metabolic and endocrine functions, and also plays a regulatory role in immunity and inflammation. Thus these three regulatory systems interact with one another in the human body.