臨牀消化器内科 Vol.18 No.1(12)

特集名 食習慣と消化器疾患
題名 日常的摂食量の簡易定量計測とIT
発刊年月 2003年 01月
著者 小林 登史夫 創価大学工学部生物工学科生物化学工学
【 要旨 】 急速な国民医療費の増大と10人に1人といわれる生活習慣病患者等の増大を防ぐため,簡易かつQOLを損なわない個人別摂食量の日常的“計測・評価システム”を構築している.具体的にはすでに普及しているデジタルカメラを用いて被験者の摂食状況を毎食ごとに撮影し,夜間などに“食生活解析・評価センター(仮称)”に電送すれば,各人の疾病状態に応じた個人別の評価・指導内容が送られてくるシステムを念頭に置いている.IT関連の多くの既存技術が転用できるが,食事画像の解析に要する経費を軽減するために人手をかけずに摂食量を推計し,かつ食品の種類を識別する半自動型の解析手法を構築中である.主要な摂食物に関しては±10%程度の推定精度を目標にしており,現状のカード記入方式に比べて記録の簡易化,推定精度の向上,記入モレ等の問題が改善できよう.
Theme Life Style and Digestive Diseases
Title A Method for Easy Estimation and Evaluation of Individual Daily Food Intake using Digital-Camera and IT
Author Toshio Kobayashi Biochemical Engineering, Department of Bioengineering, Faculty of Engineering, Soka University
[ Summary ] To overcome the rapid increase in national expenditures for medical treatment due to the increasing number of patients with life style related diseases in Japan, an easy method of estimating and evaluating individual daily food intake has been proposed, which is less disturbing to patients' quality of life (QOL). A digital camera, which is readily available, is used and every test subject meal is photographed. Furthermore, the photos are transferred, in the late night, to what is known as a "center for analyses and evaluation of dietary life". The evaluated results are reported to the individual test subject in relation to their particular disease. Various IT technologies, which have already been developed, are easily applied to these systems, and the semi-automatic image analys of foods is now carried out for the sake of decreasing analyzing time. The present goal for estimating accuracy is +-10% for intake volume of main foods consumed and a great deal of progress is expected in making recording easier and improving estimating accuracy. An improvement in information storage is expected, as compared to the present card system.