臨牀消化器内科 Vol.18 No.1(10)

特集名 食習慣と消化器疾患
題名 糖質食品素材と生体調節機能
発刊年月 2003年 01月
著者 谷口 肇 中部大学応用生物学部
【 要旨 】 近年,デンプンやショ糖を中心にマルトオリゴ糖,トレハロース,パラチノース,フルクトオリゴ糖など多彩なオリゴ糖が開発され,それらの年間生産量は6万トン,売上高は150億円に達している.これらのオリゴ糖の多くは甘味物質であるだけではなく,種々の生体調節機能を示す.フルクトオリゴ糖の整腸作用,パラチノースの虫歯予防作用,トレハロースのミネラル吸収促進作用,イソマルトオリゴ糖の免疫賦活作用,キトサンオリゴ糖の血糖調節作用,フルクトオリゴ糖のコレステロール低下作用,およびアガロオリゴ糖の腫瘍抑制作用などについて紹介した。特定保健用食品の約50%がこれらのオリゴ糖を中心とする糖質を含む食品で占められている.
Theme Life Style and Digestive Diseases
Title Physiological Functions of Sugars
Author Hajime Taniguchi College of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Chubu University
[ Summary ] A variety of oligosaccharides, including maltooligosaccharides, trehalose, palatinose, fructooligosaccharides have been developed and marketed in Japan in the last twenty years. The annual production of these oligosaccharides amounts to 60,000 tons, which accounts for sales of one point five million yen. Most of these oligosaccharides have been shown to exhibit special physiological functions besides their role in foods as sweeteners. Fructooligosaccharides exhibit a high degree of activity enhancing Bifidobacterium in our intestines and also controling serum cholesterol when ingested. Palatinose displays preventive abilities, guarding against the development of dental plaque, when taken with sucrose. Trehalose was shown to be utilized by Bifidobacterium in the large intestine, producing short chain fatty acids, which accelerate the absorption of calcium. Isomaltooligosaccharides stimulate macrophage activity in dexamethasone-treated mice. Chitosan oligosaccharides reduced the serum glucose level, probably by increasing hepatic functioning in obese mice. Agarooligosaccharides control the growth of tumor cells transplanted into nude mice. The approval system used by the government for "Foods for Special Health Use" was initiated in 1991 in Japan and about half of the approved foods contain special oligosaccharides, with claims being made for their special health benefits.