臨牀消化器内科 Vol.18 No.1(1)

特集名 食習慣と消化器疾患
題名 食生活と消化器疾患の変遷
発刊年月 2003年 01月
著者 小林 修平 和洋女子大学家政学部健康栄養学科
【 要旨 】 傷病分類別受療率で表されるわが国の消化器疾患の現状は,歯科疾患も含めると外来患者で第一位を示しているが,その年次推移から見ると入院,外来ともに漸減傾向にある.一方,病因別年齢調整死亡率では,その疾病別パターンに特徴的変化が見られ,とくに悪性新生物中での胃癌の減少,大腸,結腸,胆嚢・胆道,膵臓癌の増加が著しい.この変化は日本人の食生活の変化,とくに消化器疾患のリスクに関連するエネルギー摂取のアンバランスや脂肪の過剰な摂取,穀類エネルギー摂取量の減少,飲酒者の増加,野菜の低摂取状態などの動向と一致している.これらのリスクにかかわる食生活の改善による予防策が期待されるゆえんであろう.
Theme Life Style and Digestive Diseases
Title Changes in Dietary Habits and Digestive System Diseases in Japan
Author Shuhei Kobayashi Department of Health and Nutrition, School of Home Economics, Wayo Women's University
[ Summary ] Trends in morbidity from digestive system diseases are reviewed in relation to changes in dietary habits, using the National Patient Survey Statistics of Japan. Outpatients with these diseases were the greatest in number, partly because the survey includes those with dental diseases, although trends for the statistics over recent decades have tended to decrease. On the other hand, trends related to organ specific death rate patterns showed a characteristic transition from gastric cancer to colonic and pancreatic types. These changes are apparently associated with those related to life style diseases such as, dietary risk factors, including imbalanced energy intake, increased fat intakes, decreased energy intake from grains, increased alcohol drinking and decreased vegetable intake. Preventive measures against these newly arising diseases of the digestive system, through a reduction in dietary risk factors, should be implemented.