臨牀消化器内科 Vol.17 No.9(2-8)

特集名 肝癌診療のControversy
題名 肝癌治療のControversy (8) 肝癌への化学療法は予後改善にどの程度寄与しているか?
発刊年月 2002年 08月
著者 上野 秀樹 国立がんセンター中央病院肝胆膵内科
著者 奥坂 拓志 国立がんセンター中央病院肝胆膵内科
著者 岡田 周市 国立がんセンター中央病院肝胆膵内科
【 要旨 】 今回われわれは,当センターで化学療法を受けた肝細胞癌患者を対象に,化学療法が生存期間の延長に寄与しているか,および,どのような患者を化学療法の対象とすべきか,について検討した.化学療法の奏効例と非奏効例の遠隔成績の比較検討では奏効例が有意に良好な予後を示したことより,奏効率の高い抗癌剤の開発が患者の延命に寄与する可能性が示された.また,黄疸,腹水,performance status(PS)2・3,門脈本幹の腫瘍栓のいずれかがある例では1例も奏効を認めず,また,PS2・3,門脈本幹の腫瘍栓,年齢60歳以上の各因子は多変量解析にて予後不良因子であったことから,これらの患者に対する化学療法の適応は慎重になるべきと考えられた.
Theme Controversies Over Diagnosis and Treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Title Does Chemotherapy Improve Prognosis of Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma?
Author Hideki Ueno National Cancer Center Hospital, Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Oncology Division
Author Takuji Okusaka National Cancer Center Hospital, Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Oncology Division
Author Shuichi Okada National Cancer Center Hospital, Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Oncology Division
[ Summary ] Systemic chemotherapy for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) has been of limited value in clinical practice, because only a small percentage of patients receive significant benefits, and because the toxicity of chemotherapy often outweighs the benefits. Therefore, at present, only HCC patients with no indications for standard treatments undergo chemotherapy. In this chapter, we described the present status of chemotherapy for HCC, and examined the prognoses for HCC patients who underwent chemotherapy in our hospital. Those who responded to chemotherapy had significantly greater survival rates than nonresponders. Therefore, if agents with higher response rates were developed, their use could improve the prognoses for patients with HCC. The analysis of the relationship between patients' characteristics and tumor responses revealed that there were no responders among patients with jaundice, ascites, a performance status (PS) of 2-3, or tumor thrombus in the main portal trunk. As to the relationship between patients' characteristics and prognosis, a PS of 2-3, tumor thrombus in the main portal trunk, and age over 60 were found to be independent unfavorable prognostic factors. These findings indicate that patients with poor hepatic reserves and/or greatly advanced HCC are inappropriate candidates for chemotherapy.