臨牀消化器内科 Vol.17 No.9(1-4)

特集名 肝癌診療のControversy
題名 肝癌診断のControversy (4) 腫瘍マーカー(AFP,AFP-L3分画,PIVKA-II)で肝癌の早期発見ができるか?
発刊年月 2002年 08月
著者 葦原 浩 熊本大学医学部第三内科
著者 藤山 重俊 熊本大学医学部第三内科
【 要旨 】 肝細胞癌の早期発見のために各種画像診断に加えて腫瘍マーカーとして,α-fetoprotein(AFP),AFP-L3分画,PIVKA-IIがある.これらの間にはいずれも相関性はないが相補性がある.それゆえにこれらの腫瘍マーカーの特徴をよく理解したうえでいかに組み合わせて用いることで診断するかが重要である.慢性肝炎や肝硬変などの肝細胞癌の高度危険群の囲い込みとそのフォローアップに腫瘍マーカーの測定が重要である.いずれかのマーカーが陽性であればたとえ画像診断上で腫瘍の局在が明らかでない場合でも超高度危険群として経過観察が必要である.これらのマーカーは小肝癌の場合にいずれも陰性であることがあるため,早期肝癌発見のためには画像診断と併せて用いる必要がある.さらに肝細胞癌の生物学的悪性度の指標,治療法の選択や予後予測上も有用である.
Theme Controversies Over Diagnosis and Treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Title Tumor Markers (AFP, AFP-L3 and PIVKA-II) in Early Diagnosis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Author Hiroshi Ashihara Third Department of Internal Medicine, Kumamoto University School of Medicine
Author Sigetoshi Fujiyama Third Department of Internal Medicine, Kumamoto University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] The mainstays for the early diagnosis for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) include serological tumor markers, such as alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), the L3 fraction there of (AFP-L3) and protein induced by vitamin K absence or antagonist-II (PIVKA-II), in addition to imaging modalities. These modalities do not correlate, but complement each other. Hence, a combination diagnoses to take advantage of the characteristics of each modality needs to be formulated. First, it is necessary to identify those patients at high risk for developing HCC, such as those with chronic hepatitis or liver cirrhosis. It is also necessary to identify them in follow-ups for serological tumor markers. Those testing positive for any marker are at the highest risk for developing this condition when positive results are obtained in concert with imaging. This is so even when imaging fails to disclose any space-occupying lesions. Because these serum markers can miss small tumors, they should be applied hand in hand with sensitive imaging modalities in the detection of early HCCs.
Equally important in the management of patients with small HCC are biological indicators for malignancy, the selection of therapeutic intervention and prediction of outcome.