臨牀消化器内科 Vol.17 No.5(9)

特集名 消化器疾患におけるクリニカルパス
題名 薬剤師の立場からみたクリニカルパス
発刊年月 2002年 05月
著者 飛野 幸子 済生会熊本病院薬局
【 要旨 】 クリニカルパス(以下,パス)における薬剤師の関わりについて,薬剤の合理的使用,医薬品費の動向,チーム医療の視点から述べた.パス作成の過程において,薬剤師は根拠に基づいた薬剤の選択をすすめ,標準化の可能性を探る.済生会熊本病院ではパス作成時に術後感染予防抗生物質の見直しを行い,5年間で入院患者1人当りの使用量を半減し,入院総薬剤費も減少した.パスは医師,看護婦,薬剤師,理学療法士など多職種からなる協働チームで開発,運用することが大原則である.また,パスは医療におけるTQMのツールでもあり,薬剤師はベッドサイドにおける薬剤師業務推進のためにもパスを十分理解すべきである.
Theme Clinical Pathway for Digestive Diseases
Title Pharmaceutical Approach to Clinical Pathways
Author Yukiko Tobino Department of Pharmacy, Saiseikai Kumamoto Hospital
[ Summary ] A pharmaceutical approach to clinical pathways (CP) was mentioned. CP is a useful tool to promote reasonable and effective medication, and multidisciplinary team practice. Evidence-based medicine (EBM) must be applied to the development of CPs, and pharmacists should recommend reasonable drug use and seek to standardize medications in some CPs. Expenditures for medication have changed in relation to the process of CP development. Especially, the alteration of antimicrobial prophylaxis for surgical site infections has been implemented in our hospital over the last five years. The total amount of antibiotics per inpatient was reduced by half during this period and the total drug cost was also lowered. CPs should be developed by a multidisciplinary team of doctors, nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists, and other medical professionals with the aim of improving the quality of health care. In other words, CP is a tool for total quality management (TQM), and pharmacists must understand the basis of CP.