臨牀消化器内科 Vol.17 No.5(8)

特集名 消化器疾患におけるクリニカルパス
題名 看護師の立場からみたクリティカルパス
発刊年月 2002年 05月
著者 坂本 すが NTT東日本関東病院看護部
【 要旨 】 クリティカルパス(CP)をNTT関東病院に導入し,運用したことで看護師の行動や業務に影響がみられた.消化器疾患のCP作成過程から使用までのチーム活動を概観した結果,以下に列挙した項目が看護師に影響があった.
Theme Clinical Pathway for Digestive Diseases
Title Critical Pathways from the Standpoint of Nurses
Author Suga Sakamoto Department of Nursing, Kanto Medical Center NTT EC.
[ Summary ] A critical pathways (CP) was introduced at Kanto Medical Center NTT EC, and an influence on nurses' behavior and duties was observed as a result of its application. A general review of team activities from the process of preparation of the CP for gastrointestinal diseases and its use showed that the items listed below had an influence on nurses.
1. The primary role of healthcare improved.
2. Ability to make appropriate decisions improved.
3. Clarification of the basis of health care may prevent risks.
4. There is a hidden risk of routine standardization.
5. There may be a switch to outcome thinking.
6. Introduction requires effort.