臨牀消化器内科 Vol.17 No.5(2)

特集名 消化器疾患におけるクリニカルパス
題名 クリニカルパスの意義
発刊年月 2002年 05月
著者 須古 博信 済生会熊本病院
著者 副島 秀久 済生会熊本病院 クリニカルパス推進プロジェクト委員長/腎・泌尿器センター
【 要旨 】 クリニカルパスは医療の消費者たる患者の視点からみれば,医療情報の公開,共有であり,従来の閉鎖的な臨床現場をdiscloseするという意味で導入の意義は大きい.さらにバリアンス分析により,医療プロセスのみならずシステム上の問題点も洗い出され,リスク管理,コスト管理に有用で,最終的には医療の効率化と質の向上に寄与することが期待される.
Theme Clinical Pathway for Digestive Diseases
Title The Significance of the Clinical Pathway in Japan
Author Hironobu Suko Saiseikai Kumamoto Hospital
Author Hidehisa Soejima Saiseikai Kumamoto Hospital
[ Summary ] From a patients, viewpoint of it is highly significant that the clinical path approach has displaced former exclusive clinical practices with the open sharing of medical information. Furthermore, variance analysis of the path can clarify not only the process of medical treatment but also problems with the medical system at hospitals. The path is also beneficial for the control of treatment risk and medical cost and it is expected to contribute to more efficient and qualified medical practice in the future.
In our country, there remain many problems to be resolved, such as the disclosure of the medical information, fair medical costs, effective medical provisions, and the introduction of the Japanese-Modified DRG/PPS (diagnosis related groups/prospective payment system). Thinking of the background of these problems, it is inevitable that the clinical path approach has become widespread in relation to EBM (evidence based medicine), accompanied with a computerized medical record system.