臨牀消化器内科 Vol.17 No.4(9)

特集名 食道胃接合部の病変 -- 診断と治療方針を中心に
題名 Boerhaave症候群
発刊年月 2002年 04月
著者 冨松 聡ー 自衛隊中央病院外科
著者 伊藤 英人 自衛隊中央病院外科
著者 菅沼 利行 自衛隊中央病院外科
著者 長谷 和生 自衛隊中央病院外科
著者 市倉 隆 防衛医科大学校第一外科
著者 望月 英隆 防衛医科大学校第一外科
【 要旨 】 Boerhaave症候群(特発性食道破裂)の臨床像と治療法について,症例を交え概説した.本疾患は,通常,嘔吐が誘因となった食道裂創により起こるまれな症候群で,激烈な胸痛や上腹部痛が急に出現し,呼吸困難やチアノーゼを伴い,診断の遅れから早期に全身状態が悪化する.胸部のX線やCT検査で縦隔気腫や頸部皮下気腫,膿気胸を認め,食道造影での水溶性造影剤の破裂部漏出所見が確定診断となる.治療は,早期の裂創部縫合閉鎖と縦隔や胸腔内のドレナージが原則で,fundic patchや大網などによる被覆や,閉鎖不能例では食道内T tube挿入法や食道切除と二期的再建術を選択することもある.早期診断や周術期管理の向上により救命率は改善している.
Theme Lesions of Esophagogastric Junction -- Its Diagnostic and Therapeutic Strategies
Title Boerhaave Syndrome -- Current Concepts and Strategies
Author Soichi Tomimatsu Department of Surgery, Japan Self Defense Force Central Hospital
Author Hideto Ito Department of Surgery, Japan Self Defense Force Central Hospital
Author Toshiyuki Suganuma Department of Surgery, Japan Self Defense Force Central Hospital
Author Kazuo Hase Department of Surgery, Japan Self Defense Force Central Hospital
Author Takashi Ichikura First Department of Surgery, National Defense Medical College
Author Hidetaka Mochizuki First Department of Surgery, National Defense Medical College
[ Summary ] We described a patient with a spontaneous esophageal rupture (Boerhaave syndrome), and discussed the diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of this disease. Boerhaave syndrome is the rather rare condition where a spontaneous rupture usually occurs as a consequence of the emesis strain. Following acute and fulminant chest pain and/or upper abdominal pain after vomiting, dyspnea and cyanosis occur as the typical course of this syndrome, and delay diagnoses or cause misdiagnoses. These are usually caused by a lack of awareness when considering the ramifications of this disease, leading to fatalities. Diagnosis of this condition is confirmed by simple methods, such as chest X-ray examinations that indicate pneumomediastinum, subcutaneous emphysema of the neck, pneumothorax with pleural effusion. Water-soluble contrast studies of the esophagus may reveal mediastinum spillage of the contrast media. Prompt surgical approaches, in cluding primary repair of the esophageal rent (with or without an omentum flap or a fundic patch), mediastinum and intrathoracic toilet, and effective drainage offers the patient the best opportunity for cure. T tube esophageal drainage or esophageal resection with delayed reconstruction is selected if primary repair is impossible. Prompt diagnosis before surgery and progress in perioperative management has improved the prognosis for this syndrome.