臨牀消化器内科 Vol.17 No.4(4)

特集名 食道胃接合部の病変 -- 診断と治療方針を中心に
題名 GERDと逆流性食道炎
発刊年月 2002年 04月
著者 庄司 知隆 東北大学医学部附属病院心療内科
著者 本郷 道夫 東北大学医学部附属病院総合診療部
【 要旨 】 胃食道逆流症(GERD)は酸性胃内容物の食道内逆流により引き起こされる病態で,下部食道粘膜傷害(逆流性食道炎),あるいは酸逆流に基づく不快な自覚症状のいずれか,あるいは両方を呈するもので,医学的対処の必要なものを指す.胸やけなどの定型症状以外に狭心痛,呼吸器症状,咽喉頭症状などの非定型症状を呈することもある.内視鏡所見ばかりでなく,症状に十分な注意を払うことが必要である.HP感染率の低下および栄養環境の改善から逆流誘発要因(酸分泌増加)が増加し,大量摂食,高脂肪食,高齢化などの逆流防止機構障害要因の増加など,GERDは増加の一途をたどっている.適切な治療は患者のQOLの面からも重要である.
Theme Lesions of Esophagogastric Junction -- Its Diagnostic and Therapeutic Strategies
Title GERD and Reflux Esophagitis
Author Tomotaka Shoji Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Comprehensive Medicine, Tohoku University Hospital
Author Michio Hongo Department of Comprehensive Medicine, Tohoku University Hospital
[ Summary ] Acidic gastro-esophageal reflux (GER) causes mucosal damage of the lower esophagus and/or uncomfortable subjective symptoms. When GER causes a state which requires medical treatment, it may be considered to be gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD). GERD causes not only typical symptoms, but also extraesophageal symptoms such as non-cardiac chest pain, pulmonary symptoms and/or pharyngo-laryngeal symptoms. Increased acid secretion in the general population, high enough to cause pathological acid exposure in the lower esophagus, is caused by reduced Helicobacter pylori infection, an improved nutritional environment, and a defective anti-reflux barrier, which may be induced by gastric distention with large meals and high-fat meals, through frequent transient LES relaxations which allow the occurence of GER. The rise in the elderly population has also accelerated the number of GERD patients. As the severity of esophagitis may not be an indicator of the severity of patients' subjective symptoms, one of the targets of adequate treatment for GERD is an improvement in patients' quality of life, especially in patients with endoscopy negative GERD.