臨牀消化器内科 Vol.17 No.2(7-4)

特集名 PPIの長期投与
題名 PPI長期投与の問題点 (4) その他の副作用,安全性
発刊年月 2002年 02月
著者 谷 禮夫 国際医療福祉大学臨床医学研究センター
【 要旨 】 PPI長期投与による副作用のうち,第7章の(1)胃内分泌細胞増殖,(2)胃炎の進展と胃粘膜萎縮の問題を除いた事項について,長期投与が認められている欧米の報告に基づいて,長期酸分泌抑制(付随して起こる高gastrin血症を含む)によるものと酸分泌抑制とは無関係なものとに分けて記述した.PPIの特徴からして,前者によるものが大きな比重を占めた.後者によるものは他剤と変わりがなく問題がなかった.前者によるものとして,胃癌・大腸癌発生のリスクや腸管感染症のリスクに対する影響,および物質の吸収に対する影響について記述したが,PPI長期投与に関連があると考えられるものはビタミンB12の吸収低下の可能性だけであり,総じて安全性はほぼ確立されていると考えられる.
Theme PPI Therapy
Title Problems Due to Prolonged PPI Use -- Other Adverse Effects, and Safety
Author Norio Tani Clinical Research Center, International University of Health and Welfare
[ Summary ] The review of the adverse effects due to prolonged PPI use (except for the articles in the first and second items of chapter 7) was done based on European and American literature since prolonged PPI use is prohibited in Japan. Adverse effects, due to prolonged PPI use were divided into two parts: those due to prolonged gastric acid suppression and those independent of effects on acid secretion. Many reports suggest that there are few problems with the latter, since observed adverse events were similar to those of other drugs without serious side effects. As to the former, the influence of hypergastrinemia and gastrointestinal bacterial overgrowth, resulting from prolonged acid suppression, must be taken into consideration. The following concerns have been raised: the possibility of increasing the risk of gastric cancer or colon cancer, increasing the risk of enteric infection and diminishing the absorption of nutrients. Current evidence suggests that prolonged acid suppression with PPI has rarely produced adverse effects, except that the absorption of vitamin B12 can be impared in some patients. Therefore, the safety of prolonged use of PPI may be considered to be established at the present. Continued follow-up of patients taking PPI for extended periods isneeded.