臨牀消化器内科 Vol.17 No.2(6)

特集名 PPIの長期投与
題名 PPI長期投与とNocturnal Gastric Acid Breakthrough
発刊年月 2002年 02月
著者 木下 芳一 島根医科大学第二内科
著者 足立 経一 島根医科大学第二内科
著者 河村 朗 島根医科大学第二内科
【 要旨 】 Nocturnal Gastric Acid Breakthrough(NAB)は,プロトンポンプインヒビター(PPI)投与中の夜間に胃内pHが4.0以下に1時間以上にわたって低下するような現象をいう.この現象は,PPIの酸分泌抑制効果が夜間に減弱するために起こるのではなく,日中はPPIで1/10となった分泌胃酸を食物が中和しているが,夜間は胃内が空虚であり,少量の胃酸が存在していても胃内pHが低下しやすいために出現すると考えられる.NABはHelicobacter pylori(H.pylori)感染陰性例に起こりやすいが,PPIの長期投与を必要とする頻度が高く,かつ夜間に酸逆流の多いgradeの高い逆流性食道炎はH.pylori感染陰性例が多い.したがってPPI長期投与中に再発したり,治療に抵抗する例を診た場合には,NABの存在を念頭においた治療が必要となる.
Theme PPI Therapy
Title Long-Term Treatment with PPI and Nocturnal Gastric Acid Breakthrough
Author Yoshikazu Kinoshita Department of Medicine II, Shimane Medical University
Author Kyoichi Adachi Department of Medicine II, Shimane Medical University
Author Akira Kawamura Department of Medicine II, Shimane Medical University
[ Summary ] Approximately half of the cases treated with proton pump inhibitors(PPI) show incomplete gastric pH control during nocturnal periods. This incomplete control of nocturnal pH during PPI treatment is called nocturnal gastric acid breakthrough (NAB). This phenomenon is caused not by the low acid suppressing capability of PPI during nocturnal periods but by the nocturnal absence of intragastine food, with its consequent buffering action on gastric acid. During PPI treatment, the presence of food in the stomach causes a remarkable, long-lasting increase in intragastric pH levels by buffering gastric acid, secretion which is inhibited down to 10% of the control values for PPI. NAB is frequently observed in cases not associated with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection. The cases with reflux esophagitis which require long-term maintenance treatment with PPI are usually cases with high grade reflux esophagitis. Since patients with high grade reflux esophagitis have a lower chance of being infected with H. pylori, those patients who need PPI maintenance therapy have a higher chance of exhibiting NAB during PPI maintenance therapy. Therefore, for the treatment of patients with refractory or recurrent reflux esophagitis during PPI maintenance therapy, we should remember the possible involvement of NAB in relation to difficulties with treatment.