臨牀消化器内科 Vol.17 No.13(4)

特集名 消化管機能検査 -- 最近の進歩
題名 13C-化合物を用いた胃排出能検査
発刊年月 2002年 12月
著者 石塚 泉 滋賀医科大学消化器内科
著者 西山 順博 滋賀医科大学消化器内科
著者 小山 茂樹 滋賀医科大学消化器内科
著者 馬場 忠雄 滋賀医科大学副学長
【 要旨 】 1988年,Ghoosらが報告した13C-化合物を用いた呼気試験法は,非侵襲的な新しい胃排出能検査法として注目され,本邦においても数施設で基礎的検討が行われ,近々,臨床応用される段階となっている.現在,胃排出能検査のgold standard法であるRI法との比較検討では,胃内13C-acetate残存率とRI法の相関は,固形食の150分retention%(150RR)が相関係数R2=0.9023,液体食のhalf emptying time(T1/2)が相関係数R2=0.8377であり,間接胃排出能検査である13C-acetate法は直接排出能検査であるRI法に代わりうると考えられた.標準食の一つとして検討されているラコールは,T1/2,150RR値が,水を試験食として用いた場合よりも高値で,組成の近いホットケーキ(日本平滑筋学会ガストログラム研究班提唱標準固形試験食)より若干低い値であり,液状標準食に適していると考えられた.今後の普及には統一試験食,解析方法および解析因子の設定,これらを用いた場合の正常基準値の設定が必要である.
Theme Recent Advances in Gastrointestinal Functio Tests
Title Clinical Trial for Measurement of Gastric Emptying Rates by Using Carbon Labeled Compound
Author Izumi Ishizuka Department of Gastroenterology, Shiga University of Medical Science
Author Yorihiro Nishiyama Department of Gastroenterology, Shiga University of Medical Science
Author Shigeki Koyama Department of Gastroenterology, Shiga University of Medical Science
Author Tadao Bamba Vice President, Shiga University of Medical Science
[ Summary ] In the present study, we measured gastric emptying rates, using a carbon labeled compound, the 13C-acetate breath test, and evaluated its clinical efficacy as a novel non-invasive method to evaluate gastrointestinal motility compared to the conventional radioisotope (RI) method. Ghoos et al. made the first report in 1988 that a breath test, using a carbon labeled compound might be a useful method for measuring gastric emptying rates. We have two kinds of test meals in the study, hotcakes as a solid enteral nutrient, RacolTM as a liquid. We statistically assessed the residual rate of 13C-acetate in the stomach when using a solid test meal and the half emptying time (T1/2) when using liquid test meals as compared with those of the RI method. The correlation coefficient of the residual rate at 150 minutes after solid intake was 0.9023 and that of T1/2, when liquids were taken, was 0.8377. Results shown in the present study indicate that the 13C-acetate breath test, using enteral nutrients may be the best candidate for measurement of gastric emptying rates with the conventional RI method. However, there are several problems to be solved for popularization of this method, including standardization of test meals and establishment of analytical methods and factors. Repetition of clinical trials using established test methods will be needed in the future.