臨牀消化器内科 Vol.17 No.11(2-5)

特集名 ペプシノゲン -- 基礎,臨床応用,疫学
題名 臨床応用 (5) ペプシノゲン法とHelicobacter pylori検査併用の可能性
発刊年月 2002年 10月
著者 井上 和彦 松江赤十字病院第三内科
【 要旨 】 Helicobacter pylori(Hp)は消化性潰瘍のみならず胃癌との関連が明らかにされつつあり,また,胃粘膜萎縮は分化型癌の高危険群と考えられる.人間ドック受診者3,851例を対象として,血清Hp抗体価測定とペプシノゲン(PG)法の血液検査判定結果により,Hp抗体(-)PG法(-)をA群,Hp抗体(+)PG法(-)をB群,PG法(+)をC群とし,内視鏡所見と比較検討した.同日,内視鏡検査で発見された胃癌27例のうち,C群が23例,B群が3例,Hp判定保留群が1例であり,A群では1例もなかった.C群での胃癌発見率2.38%はA群,B群に比べ有意に高かった.また,翌年度以降の胃癌発見率もC群で有意に高く,A群では1例もなかった.胃腺腫5例はすべてC群であり,過形成性ポリープの頻度もC群でもっとも高かった.消化性潰瘍はB群でもっとも高率であった.血清Hp抗体価測定とPG法の併用で胃の"健康度"評価は可能と考えられた.
Theme Pepsinogen -- Basic, Clinical Implications, and Epidemiology
Title Evaluation of Serum Pepsinogens and Anti-H.pylori Antibodies for Screening of Gastric Cancer
Author Kazuhiko Inoue Department of Gastroenterology, Matsue Red Cross Hospital
[ Summary ] The aim of this study was to clarify the usefulness of serum pepsinogens (PG) and anti-H.pylori (Hp) anti bodies as a screening method for gastric cancer in comparison with gastric endoscopic findings 3,851 people were recruited from the health-screening center. All subjects underwent endoscopy, and serum was obtained for PG levels and anti-Hp antibodies. We defined those patients as positive for PG as those who had levels of PG I lower than 70ng/ml and a PG I/II ratio of less than 3.0. We categorized subjects according to their PG and anti-Hp antibody levels, creating 3 groups. Group A: those negative for anti-Hp antibodies and PG method, Group B: those positive for anti-Hp antibodies and negative for PG method, Group C: those positive for PG method. Twenty-seven gastric cancers were diagnosed endoscopically. In group C (967 cases), we found 23 cases of gastric cancer (2.38%). However, we found only 3 cases of gastric cancer (0.17%) in group B (1,755 cases) and no gastric cancer (0%) in group A (823 cases). Five gastric adenomas were all in group C and hyperplastic polyps were found most frequently in group C. These results suggest that subjects in group C constitute a high-risk group for gastric cancers and that subjects in group A constitute a very low-risk group for gastric cancer. Therefore, it seems that the PG method and anti-Hp antibody measurments are useful for gastric cancer screening.