臨牀消化器内科 Vol.17 No.11(1-4)

特集名 ペプシノゲン -- 基礎,臨床応用,疫学
題名 基礎 (4) ペプシノゲン産生細胞の病理
発刊年月 2002年 10月
著者 立松 正衞 愛知県がんセンター研究所腫瘍病理学部
【 要旨 】 ペプシノゲンを含む胃上皮細胞分化マーカーと腸上皮細胞分化マーカーより,腸上皮化生は胃腸混合型と腸単独型腸上皮化生に大別される.胃癌細胞は,胃型(幽門腺細胞型,被覆上皮細胞型)と腸型(杯細胞型,腸吸収上皮細胞型)の4種類に分類され,幽門腺細胞型の癌細胞はペプシノゲン分泌能を保持している.初期の胃癌はペプシノゲン陽性の胃型癌細胞が高頻度で見出され,進展に伴いその発現頻度は低下し,腸型癌細胞の出現頻度が高くなる.したがって,腸上皮化生を前癌変化と想定することは困難であり,腸上皮化生に替わる胃癌の前癌変化として,ラットやマウスではPg1変異幽門腺が注目されている.
Theme Pepsinogen -- Basic, Clinical Implications, and Epidemiology
Title Pathology of Pepsinogen Producing Cells
Author Masae Tatematsu Division of Oncological Pathology, Aichi Cancer Center Research Institute
[ Summary ] Intestinal metaplasia is divided into two types determined by mucin histochemistry and pepsinogen (Pg) immunohistochemistry. The two types are the gastric and intestinal mixed type and the solely intestinal type. Gastric cancer cells of each histologic type were clearly classified into the gastric epithelial type and the intestinal epithelial cell type. Phenotypic expression changes from gastric epithelial cell type to the intestinal epithelial cell type with the growth of gastric tumors in humans and experimental animals. These results suggest the independent induction of intestinal metaplasia in gastric mucosa and of cancer cells of the intestinal epithelial type in gastric cancers. In stead of intestinal metaplasia, pepsinogen 1 altered pyloric glands, which were thought to be preneoplastic changes, associated with gastric cancer.