臨牀消化器内科 Vol.17 No.11(1-2)

特集名 ペプシノゲン -- 基礎,臨床応用,疫学
題名 基礎 (2) ペプシノゲンの発生・分化
発刊年月 2002年 10月
著者 降旗 千恵 青山学院大学理工学部生物学教室
【 要旨 】 マウスではペプシノゲン(Pg)産生細胞が胎生16日に胃粘膜に出現する.ラットでは2~3日遅い.胃底腺部では出生をはさんで,生後17日頃までは,主細胞と副細胞に分化していないmuco-peptic cellとも呼ばれる未成熟な細胞でPgが産生されて,産生量も低い.その後30日頃までに胃底腺部粘膜は急速に成熟して,主細胞と副細胞でPgは産生される.副細胞は主細胞への分化の中間段階の細胞とする考えが有力である.またこの時期の主細胞の成熟にはグルココルチコイドが関与している.幽門腺部では,幽門腺腺細胞でPgは産生されている.Pgアイソザイムも産生量も電子顕微鏡で観察した幽門腺腺細胞の形態も出生後に変化がない.
Theme Pepsinogen -- Basic, Clinical Implications, and Epidemiology
Title Development and Differentiation of Pepsinogens
Author Chie Furihata Biology, College of Science and Engineering, Aoyama Gakuin University
[ Summary ] Pepsinogen (Pg)-producing cells in rat and mouse stomach fundic and pyloric mucosae are summarized. Pg-producing cells first appear in ICR mouse stomach mucosa on day 16 of gestation. These cells appear 2 to 3 days later in Wistar rat stomach mucosa. Pg is ozymes are produced in so-called muco-peptic cells (primitive cells of mucous neck cells and chief cells) until postnatal day 14-17 in the fundic mucosa. During postnatal days 17-30 the fundic mucosa dramatically matures into the adult fundic mucosa. Pg is ozymes are produced in chief cells and mucous neck cells in the adult fundic mucosa. Pg content in the fundic mucosa increases 5-fold and assumes the is ozyme pattern of adult mucosa. Glucocorticoid hormone controls the fundic mucosal maturation. Mucous neck cells are suggested to be intermediate cells in the differentiation to chief cells. Pg isozymes are produced in pyloric gland cells in the pyloric mucosa. Pg production in fetus pyloric mucosa was not studied. Production of Pg isozymes is detected at least on postnatal day 1. Pg isozyme pattern, content of Pg in the pyloric mucosa and morphology of pyloric gland cells observed by electron microscopy are the same as in adult pyloric mucosa.