臨牀消化器内科 Vol.17 No.1(1-2)

特集名 肝の画像診断
題名 超音波 (2) カラードプラ,パワードプラエコーによる肝腫瘍診断
発刊年月 2002年 01月
著者 鈴木 都男 大阪労災病院消化器内科 (現 新千里病院内科)
著者 山本 守敏 大阪労災病院消化器内科
著者 吉原 治正 大阪労災病院消化器内科
著者 鎌田 武信 大阪労災病院消化器内科
著者 長友 昌志 大阪労災病院腹部超音波室
著者 山口 睦弘 大阪労災病院腹部超音波室
【 要旨 】 肝腫瘍の診断において,カラードプラエコー,パワードプラエコーは腫瘍の血流動態の把握に有用であるが,小さい腫瘍や体深部の腫瘍において血流検出感度が落ちることが問題であった.しかし最近,臨床応用が可能になった超音波造影剤レボビスト(R)を用いることによってパワードプラ法は感度が大幅に改善された.さらに,造影剤を用いた新しい手法である造影ハーモニックパワードプラ法(contrast harmonic power Doppler;CHPD)は,血流検出感度がダイナミックCTを凌駕するまでとなった.また,造影剤投与後のダイナミックな血流の変化を捉えることが可能となり,肝腫瘍の診断が従来のドプラ法に比べて改善された.
Theme Imaging Diagnostics of Liver Disease
Title Diagnosis of Hepatic Tumors with Color Doppler Sonography and Power Doppler Sonography
Author Kunio Suzuki Department of Gastroenterology, Osaka Rosai Hospital (Shinsenri Hospital)
Author Moritoshi Yamamoto Department of Gastroenterology, Osaka Rosai Hospital
Author Harumasa Yoshihara Department of Gastroenterology, Osaka Rosai Hospital
Author Takenobu Kamada Department of Gastroenterology, Osaka Rosai Hospital
Author Masashi Nagatomo Division of Abdominal Ultrasound, Osaka Rosai Hospital
Author Mutsuhiro Yamaguchi Division of Abdominal Ultrasound, Osaka Rosai Hospital
[ Summary ] Color Doppler sonography and power Doppler sonography are useful in the evaluation of blood flow in hepatic tumors. Nevertheless, both modalities lack sufficient sensitivity to detect very small blood flows, although power Doppler sonography is more sensitive than color Doppler sonography. Recently, the intravenous sonographic contrast agent Levovist(R), has become commercially available. Contrast-enhanced power Doppler sonography is more sensitive in detecting flow signals in small hepatic tumors than conventional power Doppler sonography. The authors also evaluated the usefulness of a newly developed technique, using a contrast agent, the contrast harmonic power Doppler(CHPD). CHPD is more sensitive than dynamic-enhanced CT in detecting flow signals in small hepatocellular carcinomas(HCC). HCC can be classified into two groups according to the blood flow pattern seen with CHPD; one having a vascular pattern and the other having diffuse patterns. HCCs with vascular patterns are better differentiated histologicaly compared to those with diffuse patterns. CHPD can also characterize blood flow in other hepatic tumors, such as liver adenoma, focal nodular hyperplasia, and metastatic hepatic tumors. Ultrasound, with the administration of Levovist(R) seems to be a promising diagnostic modality for hepatic tumors.