臨牀消化器内科 Vol.16 No.9(12)

特集名 総胆管結石に対する最新の治療戦略
題名 胆嚢総胆管結石症の治療
発刊年月 2001年 08月
著者 横畑 和紀 九州大学医学部臨床・腫瘍外科
著者 井上 健 九州大学医学部臨床・腫瘍外科
著者 大塚 隆生 九州大学医学部臨床・腫瘍外科
著者 大内田 次郎 九州大学医学部臨床・腫瘍外科
著者 清水 周次 九州大学医学部臨床・腫瘍外科
著者 田中 雅夫 九州大学医学部臨床・腫瘍外科
【 要旨 】 腹腔鏡下胆嚢摘出術が胆石症の第一選択となった今日,胆嚢総胆管結石症の治療法は多岐にわたるが,手術により胆嚢摘出と胆管切石を同時に行うものと,内視鏡治療で胆管結石を切石し手術で胆嚢摘出を行うものの二つに大きく分けることができる.前者は患者にとって一度の手術で治療が終了するのでもっとも望ましいが術式は複雑となり,胆管結石が遺残した場合は内視鏡を用いた追加治療を受けることになる.後者は内視鏡治療を先行させるため手術は胆嚢摘出術のみとなり手術自体の合併症は少なくなるが,内視鏡治療の合併症の危険性が加わる.前者として開腹胆嚢摘出術,総胆管切開ドレナージ術,経胆嚢管的胆管切石術,腹腔鏡下胆管切開術を,後者として乳頭括約筋切開術(endoscopic sphincterotomy;EST)と乳頭バルーン拡張術(endoscopic balloon papillary dilation;EBPD)を紹介し,それぞれの適応を述べる.
Theme Current Treatment Strategies for Common Bile Duct Stones
Title Treatments for Bile Duct Stones in Gallstone Patients
Author Kazunori Yokohata Department of Surgery and Oncology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University
Author Ken Inoue Department of Surgery and Oncology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University
Author Takao Ohtsuka Department of Surgery and Oncology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University
Author Jiro Ohuchida Department of Surgery and Oncology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University
Author Shuji Shimizu Department of Surgery and Oncology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University
Author Masao Tanaka Department of Surgery and Oncology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University
[ Summary ] Treatments for patients with bile duct stones include one step surgical treatment and a combination of cholecystectomy and endoscopic choledocholithotomy. A one step surgical treatment is ideal because both cholecystectomy and choledocholithotomy are performed at the same time. But the maneuver is more complicated than cholecystectomy alone and additional endoscopic therapy is necessary when remnant bile duct stones exist. Combination therapy allows the surgeon to perform simple cholecystectomies but the patient is exposed to endoscopic complications, such as pancreatitis. In this article, we introduce laparoscopic trans-cystic duct choledocholithotomy and laparoscopic choledochotomy as a one step surgical treatment, and the combination of laparoscopic cholecystectomy and endoscopic sphincterotomy or endoscopic balloon papillary dilation as a combination therapy.