臨牀消化器内科 Vol.16 No.8(3-2)

特集名 重症膵炎の臨床 -- 重症化の予知と治療戦略
題名 重症膵炎の今日の治療戦略 (2) 血液浄化法の適応と有効性
発刊年月 2001年 07月
著者 織田 成人 千葉大学医学部救急医学
著者 平澤 博之 千葉大学医学部救急医学
著者 北村 伸哉 千葉大学医学部救急医学
著者 松田 兼一 千葉大学医学部救急医学
【 要旨 】 近年,急性膵炎の本態は膵の炎症に基づく全身性炎症反応症候群(SIRS)であり,SIRSが重症化・遷延化することにより臓器障害を発症し重症急性膵炎へ進展すると考えられている.また,PMMA膜ヘモフィルターを用いた持続的血液濾過透析(CHDF)が,血中からサイトカインをはじめとするhumoral mediatorを効率良く除去可能であることが明らかとなり,重症急性膵炎に対してもこれら臓器障害の原因となるhumoral mediatorの除去を目的にnon-renalindicationとして施行され,その有用性が認められつつある.CHDFは重症急性膵炎に対する第一選択の血液浄化法であり,早期よりCHDFを開始することで,臓器不全の発症を予防し,救命率を改善するのに有用である.
Theme Serve Acute Pancreatitis -- Prediction of Deterioration and Therapeutic Strategy
Title Indications and Efficacy of Blood Purification for Severe Acute Pancreatitis
Author Shigeto Oda Department of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, Chiba University School of Medicine
Author Hiroyuki Hirasawa Department of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, Chiba University School of Medicine
Author Nobuya Kitamura Department of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, Chiba University School of Medicine
Author Ken-ichi Matsuda Department of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, Chiba University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Recently, it has come to be widely accepted that acute pancreatitis (AP) is one of the typical clinical conditions associated with systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) caused by hypercyto kinemia, which is induced by local inflammation of the pancreas, and that deterioration and prolongation of SIRS causes organ dysfunction and severe acute pancreatitis (SAP). It has also been elucidated that continuous hemodiafiltration (CHDF) with a PMMA hemofilter can effectively remove various humoral mediators, such as cytokines, from the blood stream and that these clinical benefits have been gradually recognized. CHDF, which was originally developed as a form of continuous renal replacement therapy, is now applied to the treatment of SAP, in order to remove causative humoral mediators with non-renal indications. Early application of CHDF would be beneficial for the prevention of organ dysfunction in SAP and would improve mortality rates in patients with SAP.