臨牀消化器内科 Vol.16 No.8(2-3)

特集名 重症膵炎の臨床 -- 重症化の予知と治療戦略
題名 膵炎重症化の予知 (3) 重症膵炎における感染の予知
発刊年月 2001年 07月
著者 川原林 伸昭 防衛医科大学校第一外科
著者 初瀬 一夫 防衛医科大学校第一外科
著者 小野 聡 防衛医科大学校第一外科
著者 辻本 広紀 防衛医科大学校第一外科
著者 松本 淳 防衛医科大学校第一外科
著者 望月 英隆 防衛医科大学校第一外科
【 要旨 】 重症膵炎の予後を左右する感染併発,とくに感染性膵壊死を迅速に診断することはきわめて重要である.教室では,起炎菌の大部分を占めるグラム陰性稈菌に対する生体反応からみた感染予知法を試みている.すなわち,LPSのreceptorである単球CD14(感染時に減少)ならびに単球・好中球の活性化マーカーであるCD11b(炎症増悪で上昇)をflowcytometry解析し,その動態を感染有無の補助診断として用いている.単球CD14が低値をとり,単球・好中球CD11bが上昇する症例は,保存的治療では感染をコントロールできない感染性膵壊死で,外科的治療の適応と判断する.非侵襲的かつ迅速に測定できるこれら表面抗原の動態解析は臨床的に有用である.
Theme Serve Acute Pancreatitis -- Prediction of Deterioration and Therapeutic Strategy
Title Predicting Infection in Severe Acute Pancreatitis Patients
Author Nobuaki Kawarabayashi Department of Surgery I, National Defense Medical College
Author Kazuo Hatsuse Department of Surgery I, National Defense Medical College
Author Satoshi Ono Department of Surgery I, National Defense Medical College
Author Hiroki Tsujimoto Department of Surgery I, National Defense Medical College
Author Atsushi Matsumoto Department of Surgery I, National Defense Medical College
Author Hidetaka Mochizuki Department of Surgery I, National Defense Medical College
[ Summary ] It is very important to diagnose infected pancreatic necrosis, which is one infectious complication associated with acute pancreatitis and which may determine the clinical course and outcome. We have examined whether to diagnosis the infection of pancreatic necrosis, based on the inflammatory response of monocytes and neutrophils to lipopolysaccharide (LPS), because the bacterial spectrum in infected pancreatic necrosis consists of primarily gram-negative bacteria. CD14 expression on monocytes is analysed with a flowcytometer, as a receptor for LPS and CD11b expression on monocytes and neutrophils are analysed as an activation marker. When patients are exposed to infection by gram-negative bacteria, CD14 expression on monocytes decreases and CD11b expression on monocytes and neutrophils increases. The kinetics of CD14 and CD11b may inform us as to the degree of infection and inflammation. The patient, whose expression of CD14 has declined, while maintaining a high expression of CD11b, despite of an intensive treatment, may be determined to have severely infectious pancreatic necrosis and requires surgical treatment. This method is very useful for determining the degree of infection and when deciding on the indications for surgical treatment of pancreatic necrosis.