臨牀消化器内科 Vol.16 No.8(2-2)

特集名 重症膵炎の臨床 -- 重症化の予知と治療戦略
題名 膵炎重症化の予知 (2) 画像診断からみた重症度スコア化
発刊年月 2001年 07月
著者 杉山 貢 横浜市立大学医学部附属市民総合医療センター救命救急センター
著者 荒田 慎寿 東邦大学医学部第一外科
【 要旨 】 膵炎発症早期の画像診断は,重症度評価にとって重要で,重症度判定基準項目の一つである.過去の報告によれば,CT所見による重症度判定には,膵自体の所見と炎症波及範囲の判定を重要視するものが多く,壊死範囲の広いもの,炎症波及範囲の広いものが,より重症と考えられる.すなわち,画像所見で重症度を判定するとは壊死の存在と範囲,炎症波及範囲を判定することがポイントである.現在のCT Grade分類は原則的には過去の報告に沿った合理的な分類であるが,壊死の判定方法と範囲の表現,炎症波及範囲の規定と表現,これらの組み合わせに工夫が必要である.造影CTを前提とした明解な分類へ改訂が望まれる.現時点では読影者は,画像から読み取るべきポイントを十分理解し,CT Grade分類に沿って正確に判定することを心掛けることが重要である.
Theme Serve Acute Pancreatitis -- Prediction of Deterioration and Therapeutic Strategy
Title Early CT Findings and the Severity of Acute Pancreatitis
Author Mitsugi Sugiyama Critical Care Emergency Center, Yokohama City University School of Medicine
Author Shinju Arata Critical Care Emergency Center, Yokohama City University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] To reduce mortality rates in patients with severe acute pancreatitis, diverse types of researches are being conducted. Grading of the severity of the early phases of this disease is very important in order to undertake treatment appropriate to the patient's clinical state. Computed tomography can provide imformation about the anatomy of the pancreas and the retoroperitoneum. Numerous published studies have reported the accuracy of this tool in the diagnosis of pancreatic disease. Furthermore, since 1982, some authors have been studying the relationship of early CT findings to the clinical course of patients with acute pancreatitis. They have concluded that early CT findings could be a predictive factor for patients with acute pancreatitis. It has also been noted that since 1987 CT findings have been added to the Japanese criteria for severe acute pancreatitis. Previous research on early CT findings of acute pancreatitis confirms that the degree of pancreatic necrosis and the extent of inflammatory changes in the surrounding area is associated with the overall morbidity. Recently several studies have reported that CT grading, using the Japanese criteria for acute pancreatitis could not predict mortality. This CT grading is composed of factors which express the degree of pancreatic necrosis and the extent of inflammatory changes in the surrounding area. This grading system is generally reasonable in light of previous reports of predictive ealry CT findings, but it has some minor defects. For example, CT examinations should be performed supposing contrast material for accurate judgement of pancreatic necrosis. Categorization of the extension of inflammatory changes should be clarified. Modification of the present system is necessary. However, we would like to emphasize that CT findings provide very useful imformation concerning the clinical course of patients with pancreatitis. In previous reports, the important points of CT findings were indentified. Observers should try to carefully gather predictive factors from a great number of CT findings.