臨牀消化器内科 Vol.16 No.6(12)

特集名 Helicobactor pylori 除菌をめざして
題名 除菌療法後の治療は必要か -- 除菌成功例と失敗例における対応
発刊年月 2001年 06月
著者 兒玉 雅明 大分医科大学医学部総合診療部
著者 藤岡 利生 大分医科大学医学部総合診療部
【 要旨 】 Helicobacter pylori(H.pylori)陽性胃十二指腸潰瘍において,保険適用に認可されたPPI併用3剤併用療法(1日量としてランソプラゾール60mg,アモキシシリン1,500mg,クラリス口マイシン400mgを1週間投与)は8~9割の高い除菌率を示している.また除菌成功例では,非除菌群と比較し潰瘍再発率を著しく低下させる.H.pylori陽性潰瘍症例において除菌治療を1週間行った群と,PPIを4週間投与した群では胃潰瘍・十二指腸潰瘍ともに潰瘍治癒率に差はなく,除菌治療のみで消化性潰瘍を治癒させうる.そのため潰瘍治癒後の維持療法は必要ないとの意見も多いが,H.pylori再出現による潰瘍再発があり,経過観察を行う必要がある.またNSAIDs,ストレス,除菌後の胃酸分泌増加,喫煙などのH.pylori陰性潰瘍の要因を含む症例では酸分泌抑制剤による維持療法も必要と考えられる.除菌不成功の際は,菌株の薬剤感受性を考慮し,的確なsecond line therapyが必要と考えられ,今後耐性菌に対する治療法の拡充が望まれる.また,除菌治療によるGERDなどの新たな問題も生じており,除菌治療後の長期にわたる経過観察は依然必要と考えられる.
Theme For the Effective Eradication of Helicobactor pylori
Title Treatments of Gastro-duodenal Ulcer after Helicobacter pylori Eradication
Author Masaaki Kodama Department of General Medicine, Oita Medical University
Author Toshio Fujioka Department of General Medicine, Oita Medical University
[ Summary ] Helicobacter pylori eradication has been recognized as a standard treatment for gastro-duodenal ulcers. Recently, proton pump inhibitor (PPI) based triple therapy, that combines PPI, clarithromycin and amoxicillin has become widely accepted throughout the world, and shows high eradication rates ranging from about 80-90%. In Japan, one week triple therapy is recommended for the treatment of gastro-duodenal ulcers. It is expected that there will be improvements in treatments for recurrent gastro-duodenal ulcers. Several studies revealed that one week eradication therapy and four week PPI therapy exhibited no statistical differences for gastro-duodenal ulcer healing ratios. Though, these studies strongly suggest that post eradication therapy is unnecessary for H.pylori negative ulcers, there is thought to be some relation to NSAIDs, along with other factors, such as increase in gastric juice, smoking, etc. Cases involving factors other than H.pylori, may require maintenance therapy with PPI or H2 receptor antagonists.
The rate of clarithromycin resistant strains has gradually been increasing, and this fact may lead to the eventual failure of PPI based triple therapy. Though the existence or recurrence of H.pylori plays a major role in the recurrence of gastro-duodenal ulcers, second line therapies, including of metronidazole or PPM+classical triple therapy, need to be expanded. In addition, another problem suggested by several studies is, that gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) may increase after successful eradication of H.pylori, therefore, long term observation is necessary to clarify the efficacy of H.pylori eradication.