臨牀消化器内科 Vol.16 No.5(9)

特集名 消化器悪性腫瘍に対する化学療法
題名 抗癌剤感受性試験と臨床的意義
発刊年月 2001年 05月
著者 久保田 哲朗 慶應義塾大学医学部外科学教室
【 要旨 】 抗癌剤感受性試験は"同一の臓器由来で同一の組織型を有する癌においても抗癌剤に対する感受性は異なる"という現象から開発されてきた.本邦の抗癌剤感受性試験の臨床効果予測率は,1,101例の測定可能・評価可能病変を有する症例を対象としたとき74%であった.当施設および国立病院東京医療センターで過去7回行われた胃癌に対する補助化学療法と抗癌剤感受性試験の関係をメタアナリシスで検討したところ,いずれも感受性群の生存期間は低感受性群よりも良好であり,全体ではp<0.001で感受性群の生存期間が推計学的に有意に良好であった.抗癌剤感受性試験を広く臨床に応用するためには,本試験の保険採用が必須である.
Theme Chemotherapy for Gastrointestinal Malignancy
Title Chemosensitivity Test-Clinical Application
Author Tetsuro Kubota Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, Keio University
[ Summary ] A chemosensitivity test was initiated because of the observation that differential chemosensitivity occurs in cancers of the same histological type and originating in the same organ. When the Japan Research Society for Appropriate Cancer Chemotherapy set out to summarize the present status of chemosensitivity testing for antitumor agents in Japan in 1997, the results showed that chemosensitivity tests were performed in 42 institutes where a total of 2 in vivo and 10 in vitro assays were carried out. The correlation of in vitro and in vivo results revealed 215 true positive (S/S), 246 false positive (S/R), 45 false negative (R/S) and 595 true negative (R/R) cases, resulting in rates of 47% for true positives and 93% for true negatives, and a 74% accuracy rate. Chemosensitivity testing is widely used in this country and has a highly accurate predictive value for advanced carcinomas. Meta-analysis was conducted at Keio University and the National Tokyo Medical Center, making 7 comparisons between chemosensitivity and adjuvant cancer chemotherapy for gastric cancer, results indicated that the sensitive group will have a favorable survival outcome compared to insensitive group. Approval by the social insurance agency is essential to further investigate the use of chemosensitivity testing as a part of routine clinical examinations.