臨牀消化器内科 Vol.16 No.4(3-3)

特集名 感染症と肝
題名 細菌感染症と肝 (3) 肺炎(Mycoplasma pneumoniae,Legionella等)における肝障害
発刊年月 2001年 04月
著者 糸山 智 東京大学医学部感染症内科
著者 森澤 雄司 東京大学医学部感染症内科
【 要旨 】 Mycoplasma pneumoniaeやLegionella属による肺炎にしばしば肝障害が合併する.肝障害の程度は一般的に軽度で,GOT,GPTは100KU程度の上昇にとどまる.肺炎球菌性肺炎では他の起炎菌による肺炎に比べてビリルビンが上昇しやすい傾向を認めるが,やはりT.Bil 1.2mg/dl程度の軽度上昇である.肝障害の出現時期は発症時が多いが,マイコプラズマ肺炎においては回復期に上昇する場合もある.肝障害の機序については,菌体毒素,発熱,溶血,肝血流量の減少,肝組織での低酸素症,低栄養状態などが考えられている.いずれの肺炎においても肝障害が予後に影響することはほとんどない.
Theme Liver in Infection Diseases
Title Liver Function Test Abnormalities and Bacterial Pneumonia (Mycoplasma, Legionella)
Author Satoru Itoyama Department of Infectious Diseases, Internal Medicine, University of Tokyo
Author Yuji Morisawa Department of Infectious Diseases, Internal Medicine, University of Tokyo
[ Summary ] Pneumonia caused by Mycoplasma pneumoniae or the Legionella species is sometimes complicated with liver function test abnormalities. The serum transaminase levels are usually lower than 100 KU. In pneumococcal pneumonia cases, the levels of bilirubintend to elevate to somewhat higher levels, as compared to those seen in other types of pneumonia. Liver function test abnormalities in pneumonia cases are usually find when pneumonia is diagnosed. However, in Mycoplasma pneumonia, the abnormalities may be found when pneumonia has improved in clinical terms. Factors which induce liver function test abnormalities in pneumonia patients include bacterial endotoxins, fever, hemolysis, decreased hepatic blood flow, hepatic hypoxia, and metabolic abnormalities. Liver damages in pneumonia cases have little influence on mortality.