臨牀消化器内科 Vol.16 No.4(2-1)

特集名 感染症と肝
題名 寄生虫・原虫感染症と肝 (1) 包虫症(エキノコックス症)
発刊年月 2001年 04月
著者 小島 莊明 国際医療福祉大学保健学部, 東京医科大学客員教授(寄生虫学)
【 要旨 】 かつて北海道の道東に限られていた多包条虫の流行地域はいまや全道に拡大し,1997年までの累計症例数は373例に達した.多包虫症の流行するヨーロッパ諸国の都市と同じように,札幌市のような都市部の中心にも多包条虫を宿したキツネが出没しているという事実は,人々への感染の機会が増大していることを示している.本症のような人獣共通感染症の制圧には,都市部での駆虫薬を含む餌の散布など新たな対策が必要であろう.
Theme Liver in Infection Diseases
Title Echinococcosis
Author Somei Kojima School of Health Science, International University of Health and Welfare
[ Summary ] Distribution of alveolar echinococcosis was limited only to the east edge of Hokkaido in Japan until the infection was found among foxes from various parts of the island in early 1980s. At the end of 1997, a total of 373 cases had been confirmed, since the first record was made in 1936, on a patient who had been a resident of Rebun Island. As in some European cities where this zoonosis is endemic, infected foxes seem to be expanding their territories into the urban area of Sapporo. New efforts, such as periodic distribution of bait pellets containing praziquantel should be taken into consideration to control parasite endemicity among foxes, in addition to controlling their population.