臨牀消化器内科 Vol.16 No.2(4-2)

特集名 最新の大腸内視鏡と挿入法の進歩
題名 硬度可変式大腸内視鏡の臨床 (2) 硬い機器による検査の実際 -- 初級者の挿入率向上に関する検討
発刊年月 2001年 02月
著者 藤沼 澄夫 東邦大学大橋病院消化器診療部
著者 須田 浩晃 東邦大学医学部第三内科
著者 菅野 聡 東邦大学医学部第三内科
著者 古谷 正伸 東邦大学医学部第三内科
著者 坂井 謙一 東邦大学医学部第三内科
著者 酒井 義浩 東邦大学大橋病院消化器診療部
【 要旨 】 初級~中級者に対する軸硬度可変式大腸スコープの有用性を紹介した.腸管の自然な走行に沿いながら挿入することが多いため,硬度は最軟状態が安全である.最軟状態での挿入は多少時間を要したが,被検者の苦痛を軽減させた.軸硬度可変機能を用いることにより挿入率が向上した.再ループ化により挿入困難となれば,必ず腸管を直線化した状態で硬度を硬くする.このときにノブの回転による抵抗感がないことが必須である.軸硬度可変式大腸内視鏡は初級者にも高率の挿入成績が期待できる優れたスコープである.
Theme Latest Developments in Devices Related to Colonoscopy and Progress in Insertion Techniques
Title Usefulness of Variable Stiffness Colonoscope (CF-Q240AI)
Author Sumio Fujinuma Division of Endoscopy, Toho University School of Medicine Ohashi Hospital
Author Hiroaki Suda Third Department of Internal Medicine, Toho University School of Medicine
Author Satoshi Sugano Third Department of Internal Medicine, Toho University School of Medicine
Author Masanobu Furuya Third Department of Internal Medicine, Toho University School of Medicine
Author Kenichi Sakai Third Department of Internal Medicine, Toho University School of Medicine
Author Yoshihiro Sakai Division of Endoscopy, Toho University School of Medicine Ohashi Hospital
[ Summary ] A beginning endoscopist performed colonoscopies in 72 cases using a colonoscope with a flexible, adjustable shaft(CF-Q 240 Al) and 32 cases using the usual CF-Q240I. In comparison with the CF-Q240I, the CF-Q 240 Al has additional functions, by which the stiffness of the shaft can be adjusted by rotating a ring in the handle. The successful rate for insertion into the cecum, using CF-Q 240 I was 93.8%. The other hand, that for the CF-Q 240 Al was 100%, although it was 92% when using the only softer mode with the CF-Q 240 Al. The remaining 8% required the harder mode with the CF-Q 240 Al, to pass the splenic flexure. The insertion time for the CF-Q 240 Al was slightly longer than that for the CF-Q 240 I. However, the rate of these which were painless with the CF-Q 240 Al was higher than with the CF-Q 240 I. For beginning to intermediate level endoscopists the softer mode during insertion is recommended. The harder mode should be used after straightening the scope, when the scope makes a re-loop. The CF-Q 240 Al is useful, not only for expert endoscopists but also beginners.