臨牀消化器内科 Vol.16 No.11(1)

特集名 Helicobacter pylori感染の内視鏡診断
題名 H.pylori感染粘膜の病理学的特徴
発刊年月 2001年 10月
著者 服部 隆則 滋賀医科大学病理学第一講座
著者 九嶋 亮治 滋賀医科大学臨床検査医学講座
【 要旨 】 胃炎とは病理学的に胃粘膜に急性・慢性の炎症が生じている状態を指し,内視鏡医は発赤,浮腫,びらんあるいは萎縮性変化が生じている粘膜を胃炎と称した.Helicobacter pylori(H.pylori)が胃炎の主たる原因であることが解明され,胃炎の成り立ちがある程度理解できるようになった.H.pyloriの持続的な感染により表層性に慢性活動性炎症が生じ,腺管が破壊され,腺管丈が低くなり,腺管密度が低下する.萎縮しつつある粘膜には偽幽門腺化生,腸上皮化生,異形成や腺癌などの上皮細胞の質的変化が並列的に生じる.本稿では,胃炎の成り立ちを病理組織学的に考察し,Updated Sydney Systemに基づいて内視鏡的・肉眼的所見との相関について述べる.
Theme Endoscopic Diagnosis of Helicobater pylori Infection
Title Histopathological Characteristics of Helicobacter pylori Infected Gastric Mucosa
Author Takanori Hattori Department of Pathology, Shiga University of Medical Science
Author Ryoji Kushima Department of Clinical Laboratory Medicine, Shiga University of Medical Science
[ Summary ] Gastritis, is a term that is pathologically defined as an inflammatory process, involving the gastric mucosa. Endoscopists, often associate the term with redness, edema, erosion or atrophy of the stomach. Rediscovery of Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori) enabled us to understand the pathogenesis of gastritis to a certain extent. Persistent infection with H.pylori causes chronic active inflammation in the superficial layer of the gastric mucosa, resulting in destruction of epithelial cells and loss of glands. Pseudopyloric glands, intestinal metaplasia, dysplasia or adenocarcinomas occur in parallel with the process of atrophy. In this paper, the pathogenesis of gastritis is discussed from pathological viewpoints, and we present the histological findings, as compared with the endoscopical classification, based on the updated Sydney System.