臨牀消化器内科 Vol.15 No.9(9)

特集名 知っておくべき疾患 --十二指腸
題名 十二指腸の外傷
発刊年月 2000年 08月
著者 原口 義座 国立病院東京災害医療センター臨床研究部・外科
【 要旨 】 十二指腸の外傷は,腹部消化管損傷のうちでは頻度は低いが,後腹膜に存するなど十二指腸の特殊性・特異性のため診断・治療が遅れる可能性の高い外傷である.外傷の原因は,(1) 鈍的外傷,(2) 鋭的外傷に分けられるが,(3) その他,内視鏡や異物による十二指腸内腔からの損傷もある.十二指腸損傷の分類として,日本外傷学会分類を中心に提示した.診断上の注意点として,後腹膜へ穿孔(穿破)した際には,自覚症状も軽度,画像診断上も判断困難なことがあり,繰り返しのX線,CT検査,水溶性造影剤を用いた上部消化管造影が有用である.またdelayedに症状が出現する壁内血腫もみられる.他の外傷と同様,発症後の経過時間と合併損傷の有無の診断も重要である.
治療は,損傷の程度・部位,合併症によって異なる.腹膜炎・後腹膜膿瘍形成,全身状態悪化時には,全身管理を最優先する必要がある.基本的な治療方針は,非穿孔時(日本外傷学会分類でのI型)は,保存的治療から開始するが,穿孔時(日本外傷学会分類でのII型)は,緊急手術が必要となる.代表的な術式として,空腸パッチ術,十二指腸憩室化(duodenal diVerticulization),膵頭十二指腸切除術等を提示した.
Theme Digestive Diseases to Know --Duodenum
Title Duodenal Trauma / Injury
Author Yoshikura Haraguchi National Hospital Tokyo Disaster Medical Center
[ Summary ] Duodenal injury is a specific bowel injury in terms of diagnosis and treatment mainly because of its location in the retroperitoneal space, although the rate of occurence is relatively low. The causes are roughly devided into three, i.e, (1) blunt trauma, (2) penetrating trauma, (3) others (perforation from inside the lumen by endoscope or other foreign bodies). The two classifications of duodenal injury are presented. Accurate diagnosis is often difficult which is mainly due to location, which indicates the necessity of the CT scans and an upper gastrointestinal series, using water soluble contrast materials as well as the repeated scouting X rays. For treatment several factors should be considered, i.e, the severity of injury, time of confirmed diagnosis after injury, general condition and the coexistence of other organ injuries. Although intensive general care should be given immediately when the general condition is poor, the following principles are basically used: conservative therapy for non-perforating or non-penetrating conditions (except large intramural hematoma) and operative therapy for perforations. Appropriate selection of several kinds of operative procedures is essential, based on the degree and location of the injury. The most typical and useful procedures are exemplified, including the duodenal patch, duodenal diverticulization, pancreatico-duodenectomy, etc.