臨牀消化器内科 Vol.15 No.9(8)

特集名 知っておくべき疾患 --十二指腸
題名 十二指腸壁内血腫
発刊年月 2000年 08月
著者 澤野 誠 東京墨東病院救急救命センター
【 要旨 】 十二指腸壁内血腫は消化器内科医にとってはまれな病態であるが,近年内視鏡検査の合併症として報告例もあり,あながち無関係とはいえない.成因の70%は外傷性で,非外傷性のものは凝固障害が原因となった特発性,急性膵炎などによる続発性,内視鏡検査に伴う医原性のものがある.症状はおもに上部消化管通過障害の症状であり,腹部症状を認めることはまれである.診断は消化管造影,内視鏡による.CTや超音波検査も診断に有用である.治療としては保存的治療,外科的治療があるが,現在のところ前者が第一選択である.
Theme Digestive Diseases to Know --Duodenum
Title Intramural Hematoma of the Duodenum
Author Makoto Sawano Emergency and Life-Support Center, Bokutoh Tokyo Metropolitan Hospital
[ Summary ] Although intramural hematoma of the duodenum (IHD) is a rare cause of duodenal obstruction, there are some reported cases referring to IHD as a complication of endoscopic procedures. 70% of IHDs are classified as traumatic and are caused by blunt abdominal injury. In non-traumatic IHD cases, there is the idiopathic IHD type, seen in patients undergoing anti-co-agulant therapy, and also IHD seen in patients with acute pancreatitis, etc., as well as iatrogenic IHD seen as a complication of endoscopic procedures. Symptoms of upper gastro-intestinal obstruction (vomitting, stomach fulness) are often the only complaints from IHD patients. Most IHD cases are diagnosed by gastroduodenography and endoscopic findings. CT scans and USGs are also helpful in diagnosis of IHD. It is still controversial whether IHD should be treated conservatively or operatively, but in most reported cases conservative treatment has been the first choice.