臨牀消化器内科 Vol.15 No.9(4)

特集名 知っておくべき疾患 --十二指腸
題名 十二指腸の先天的狭窄,膜様狭窄
発刊年月 2000年 08月
著者 大内 明夫 東北労災病院外科
【 要旨 】 十二指腸の先天的狭窄は胎生期の発育過程での異常によって生ずる疾患で,その形態により膜様狭窄,索状狭窄,離断型狭窄に分類される.要因としては種々の説があるが,十二指腸の再開通障害説がもっとも一般的とされている.先天的に膜様物が形成されて十二指腸狭窄を生ずるため,大半は生後1週または2~3歳よりの反復性の嘔吐で始まり脱水がみられてくる.立位腹部単純X線写実で著明な胃の拡張と,十二指腸閉塞部位より口側での十二指腸のガスによる拡張線が認められる.上部消化管造影では胃や十二指腸の拡張像のほかに,隔壁の付着部の長形のバリウム集積像が特異的である.本症の治療としては従来より外科的治療として膜様物の切除が行れてきたが,成人発症例には内視鏡的切開術も試みられている.新生児期発症例ではriskの程度によって予後が異なるが,成人の発症例では術後の合併症もなく予後良好と考えられる.
Theme Digestive Diseases to Know --Duodenum
Title Congenital Duodenal Stenosis, Membranous Stenosis
Author Akio Ouchi Department of Surgery, Tohoku Rosai Hospital
[ Summary ] Congenital stenosis of the duodenum, considered to be a fetal abnormality, is classified into three types: membranous stenosis, stenosis due to blind ends and stenosis due to disconnected blind ends. Among the many theories about the pathogenesis of this condition, disturbances of duodenal recanolization are considered to be most likely. Because of the existence of a membranous septum, initial symptoms in many cases are repeated vomitting, accompanied by dehydration one week after birth or within the first two or three years of life. Plain abdominal X-rays show a remarkable dilatation of the stomach and the duodenum. The specific findings of upper GI series conducted on patients with this disease are barium accumulations at the septum, with the dilatation of the stomach and the duodenum. Surgical removal of the septum is the most feasible procedure for treatment of this disease, but recently endoscopic incision of the septum has been in dicated for adult patients. Although in cases occurring in neonatal period, the prognosis is different, according to operative risks, a good prognosis with no postoperative complications is expected in cases occurring in adult hood.