臨牀消化器内科 Vol.15 No.9(3)

特集名 知っておくべき疾患 --十二指腸
題名 Lemmel症候群
発刊年月 2000年 08月
著者 相原 司 防衛医科大学校第一外科
著者 初瀬 一夫 防衛医科大学校第一外科
【 要旨 】 十二指腸傍乳頭部憩室には,Lemmelが報告したpapillen syndromeに示されるように肝,胆道,膵に影響を及ぼすものが存在する.その後のLemmel症候群の解釈は傍乳頭部憩室そのものが機能的,機械的に黄痘や膵炎を惹起する症候群で,胆石症,胆嚢炎などを含まないとする場合が多い.その病態は傍乳頭部憩室が存在するとOddi筋の機能の低下により胆道膵管系に逆行性感染が生じ,肝胆膵障害をきたすと考えられる.憩室自体に対する手術の適応には,憩室の胆道への影響の程度を術前に正確に評価しうる方法論の確立が望まれる.また,傍乳頭部憩室を併存する総胆管結石に対して内視鏡的治療を行った後の長期観察例の検討が待たれる.
Theme Digestive Diseases to Know --Duodenum
Title Lemmel's Syndrome
Author Tsukasa Aihara Department of Surgery 1, National Defense Maedical Colledge
Author Kazuo Hatsuse Department of Surgery 1, National Defense Maedical Colledge
[ Summary ] We sometimes see patients with duodenal diverticula who have no usual symptoms. However, juxtapapillary duodenal diverticula (JPD) often accompany hepatocholangiopancreatic diseases, because of their anatomical proximity to the papillae Vateri. We categorize these cases as Lemmel's syndrome, when they include symptoms due to JPD, without symptoms of hepatocholangiopancreatic diseases, such as cholangiolithiasis, cholecystitis etc. Patients with JPD are likely to have dysfunctional sphincters of Oddi and suffer from regurgitation of their duodenal contents with intestinal bacteria, into the bile duct and the pancreatic duct, therefore hepatocholangiopancreatic disorders may occur.
Recently the use of laparoscopic surgery and endoscopic intervention techniques for treatment of cholangiolithiasis has increased. Long term observation after such treatments are need for treatment of hepatocholangiopancreatic diseases associated with JPD. Moreover, methods for evaluating JPD effects on hepatocholangiopancreatic disorders should be established.