臨牀消化器内科 Vol.15 No.8(3-4)

特集名 直腸・肛門の良性病変
題名 肛門並びに肛門周囲病変 (4) 痔瘻 --Crohn病の肛門病変を中心に
発刊年月 2000年 07月
著者 長谷 和生 自衛隊中央病院外科
著者 三好 正義 自衛隊中央病院外科
【 要旨 】 Crohn病に合併する肛門病変は,頻度が高いうえに患者のQOLを損なうことが多い.肛門病変のなかでは痔瘻の合併頻度がもっとも高く,とくに大腸型では複雑,難治化する傾向がある.通常の痔瘻に比べ複雑型,多発性,広範囲なものが多く,難治性で易再発性の特徴がある.また痔瘻が腸管病変に先行して出現することが少なくなく,上記所見を的確に把握することがCrohn病の早期診断に役立つ.治療はまず口側病変腸管の治療を優先して行い,その炎症を鎮静化する.単純,低位の痔瘻に対しては根治術を行うが,複雑,高位の痔瘻に対しては根治性を求めず,切開排膿,掻爬やseton法などによる低侵製の局所治療を中心に行い,患者のQOLの改善,維持をはかることが重要と考える.
Theme Benign Lesions of Rectum and Anus
Title Anal Fistulas--Especially, Perianal Lesions in Crohn's Disease
Author Kazuo Hase Department of Surgery, Self-defense Forces Central Hospital
Author Masayoshi Miyoshi Department of Surgery, Self-defense Forces Central Hospital
[ Summary ] Crohn's disease is often accompanied by perianal lesions which can be difficult to treat. Anal fistulas are the most common anal complications in this disease. Anal fistulas become more complicated or resistant in patients with colonic disease than in patients with small intestinal disease. Anal fistulas in Crohn's disease are frequently complicated, intractable, and wide-spread lesions accompanied with multiple fistula openings. The specific morphology and the course of anal fistulas often provide clues for discovery of intestinal Crohn's disease in the absence of obvious clinical manifestations of it. As for the treatment of Crohn's fistulas, systemic therapy to alleviate the intestinal in flammation should be taken priority. For simple or low perianal fistulas, surgical removal can be carried out resulting in almost complete cure. For complexed or high fistulas, it is suggested that nonradical, conservative surgical treatment such as seton suture provide and maintain satisfactory patients' quality of life.