臨牀消化器内科 Vol.15 No.8(3-3)

特集名 直腸・肛門の良性病変
題名 肛門並びに肛門周囲病変 (3) 肛門周囲の壊死性筋膜炎
発刊年月 2000年 07月
著者 金子 直之 防衛医科大学校病院救急部
著者 坂本 敏久 防衛医科大学校病院救急部
【 要旨 】 壊死性筋膜炎は急激に進行する筋膜の壊死性感染症で,死亡率が比較的高い.肛門周囲膿瘍の約1%に発症し,糖尿病や慢性アルコール中毒などの基礎疾患を有する患者に多い.診断には理学所見が重要で,時に茶褐色の滲出液を伴う境界不鮮明な炎症性変化と,精神症状を伴う全身症状を特徴とする.単純X線写真やCTにおける軟部組織のガス像も診断に有用である.起炎菌は数種類報告されているが,混合感染が多い.早期診断と早期外科的治療が良好な予後と相関する.外科的治療は切開排膿ではなく,皮膚・皮下・筋膜を含めた広範な感染組織の切除である.抗生剤治療も重要ではあるが第二義的なものであり,これに頼って手術が遅れてはならない.
Theme Benign Lesions of Rectum and Anus
Title Necrotizing Fasciitis of the Perianal Area
Author Naoyuki Kaneko National Defence Medical College
Author Toshihisa Sakamoto National Defence Medical College
[ Summary ] Necrotizing fasciitis is a potentially lethal disorder of rapidly progressing fascial necrosis with widespread undermining of the skin. One percent of perirectal abscess develops into necrotizing fasciitis. Patients had a high incidence of predisposing underlying illness such as diabetes mellitus or alcoholism. Physical assessment is very important in diagnosis. The findings are characterized by an ill-defined margin of infection, and by systemic manifestations often associated with mental deterioration. Soft-tissue gas detection from plain radiographs and/or computed tomography is also useful. Several kinds of causative bacteria have been reported, but the infections are almost always caused by a combination of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. Early diagnosis and immediate treatment are associated with a significant decrease in mortality. Treatment must begin with surgical debridement of all infected and devitalized tissue including the skin, subcutaneous tissue, and fascia Wide spectrum systemic antibiotic coverage is mandatory, although it cannot be overemphasized that definitive therapy must include immediate operative intervention.