臨牀消化器内科 Vol.15 No.6(10)

特集名 消化器疾患に対するステント治療
題名 悪性胆道閉塞に対する経皮経肝的ステント術
発刊年月 2000年 06月
著者 久保田 佳嗣 関西医科大学第三内科
【 要旨 】 悪性胆道閉塞に対する経皮経肝胆道内痩術の基本手技について述べた.細径イントロデューサーで挿入でき,太い内径が得られるself-expandable型のメタリックステントが良い適応である.良好なドレナージを得るために,狭窄部の上・下流を含め,ステントを胆管と密着させることが基本である.狭窄の部位や性状により,各種ステントの特性(拡張後の短縮や柔軟性など)を考慮して使用ステントを選択する.内瘻化の基本手技として,胆管閉塞部から十分に離れた位置で肝内胆管を穿刺することと,狭窄部をうまく(狭窄部の走行とガイドワイヤーの進行方向を一致させることが重要)ガイドワイヤーで通過させることがもっとも重要である.
Theme Endoscopic Stenting for Digestive Diseases
Title Percutaneous Biliary Stenting for Unresectable Malignant Biliary Stricture
Author Yoshitsugu Kubota Third Department of Internal Medicine, Kansai Medical University
[ Summary ] Endoprosthesis with the use of self-expandable metallic stents has become the treatment of choice because of the feasibility of inserting them through a small catheter and a considerably long patency period, after deployment, owing to their large internal diameter. Intrahepatic bile duct punctures at the site sufficiently separated from the proximal end of the stricture facilitate the subsequent insertion and deployment of the stent. Pre-procedural assessment of the biliary anatomy with noninvasive imaging tools is mandatory to select the puncture site. Traversing the stricture with a guidewire, using the catheter-guidewire technique, forms the basis for successful stent placement, but may become technically demanding. In difficult cases of tight, irregular strictures, use of a guidewire made of different materials or shape may facilitate steering movement of the tip, rendering negotiation of the stricture feasible. Self-expandable metallic stents with different designs and characteristics (e.g.,rigidity, flexibility) are currently available. The selection of the stent should be made on an individual patient basis, according to the site and configuration of the stricture(s) . Stent occlusion due to in or overgrowth of the tumor is a major complication, and insertion of an additional stent inside the pre-positioned stent (stent-in-stent placement) has become a common solution.