臨牀消化器内科 Vol.15 No.5(7-1)

特集名 門脈圧亢進症
題名 食道・胃静脈瘤の治療 (1) 薬物使用
発刊年月 2000年 05月
著者 菅野 茂男 済生会若草病院内科
著者 渡辺 学 済生会若草病院内科
【 要旨 】 食道・胃静脈瘤に対する薬物療法の最新の知見を概説した.静脈瘤における薬物療法は血行遮断を目的とする治療法とは異なり,静脈瘤を惹起する門脈圧亢進症を抑制するものである.薬物の作用機序から,門脈流入血流量を減少させて門脈圧を低下させる血管収縮薬と肝内血管抵抗,副血行路抵抗を減少させる血管拡張薬がある.前者にはvasopressin,propranololが含まれる.後者にはnitroglycerinなどがある.緊急止血にはvasopressin静脈内投与が臨床応用されている.出血予防にはpropranololの長期経口投与が有効と考えられている.将来は肝硬変の初期の段階から薬物療法を開始して食道静脈瘤の発生,進展を防止するという予防治療が考えられる.
Theme Portal Hypertension
Title Pharmacological Therapy for Esophagogastric Varices
Author Shigeo Sugano Department of Medicine, Saiseikai Wakakusa Hospital
Author Manabu Watanabe Department of Medicine, Saiseikai Wakakusa Hospital
[ Summary ] Gastrointestinal bleeding from ruptured esophageal and gastric varices is the main complication in portal hypertensive cirrhotics. Therefore, the goal of pharmacological therapy for cirrhotics should be to prevent and arrest variceal bleeding by reducing portal pressure. Vasopressin infusion has been used in the management of bleeding esophageal varices for forty years. Adding nitroglycerin may lessen adverse effects. Nonselective beta-blockers such as propranolol are recommended for primary prophylaxis or the prevention of esophageal variceal bleeding in those who have never experienced bleeding. Adding nitrates to beta-blockers may be more effective than the use of one single drug. The role of spironolactone is also under evaluation. Epidemiological studies have shown that acute esophageal variceal bleeding occurs more often at night. This may be explained by recent studies of cirrhotics, which found that upright posture during daytime hours decreases variceal flow velocity, whereas azygos and portal blood flow increases during the night hours. Therefore, prophylaxis drug therapy is aimed at reducing nocturnal azygos and portal blood flow. It is not clear what the role of drugs is in the control of acute bleeding or in the prophylaxis of bleeding from gastric fundal varices. In the future, pharmacological therapy may be considered as a pre-primary prophylaxis to prevent the development of esophageal varices.