臨牀消化器内科 Vol.15 No.2(7)

特集名 脂肪肝をめぐる最近の話題
題名 早期肝細胞癌にみられる脂肪化
発刊年月 2000年 02月
著者 朽網 留美子 久留米大学医学部病理学教室
【 要旨 】 外科的に切除された腫瘍径1.5cm以下の肝細胞癌(肝癌)では,33.8%に脂肪化が認められ,そのほとんどが高分化型肝癌であり,脂肪化は早期肝癌の病理形態の特徴の一つとみなされる.しかし早期肝癌の脂肪化の発現機序については未だに明らかにされておらず,脂肪化が腫瘍径1.1~1.5cmの門脈域を含む高分化な癌組織に高率にみられ,さらにこの段階は癌組織内の門脈域が減少し動脈性腫瘍血管が未発達な時期と合致していることから,同時期の腫瘍結節内に限局した乏血状態が脂肪化発生の要因の一つである可能性が示唆される. また,肝癌の境界病変ともいえる異型腺腫様過形成や,癌を内包する過形成結節,実験肝癌の前癌状態から発癌早期においても脂肪化の出現が報告されており,肝癌発生と脂肪化の間には密接な関係が推察される.
Theme Fatty Liver Update
Title Histogenesis of Fatty Change in Early Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Author Rumiko Kutami Department of Pathology, Kurume Uuiversity School of Medicine
[ Summary ] In surgically resected hepatocellular carcinomas (HCCs) less than 1.5cm in diameter, fatty change is found in 33.8% of the cases. Most are well-differentiated HCCs and fatty change is considered to be one pathomorphologic characteristic of small HCC in the early stages. However, the developmental mechanisms of fatty change in early-stage HCC are not yet fully understood. The frequency of HCC with fatty change is the highest in nodules ranging from 1.1 to 1.6cm in size. Intratumoral portal tracts decrease in tumors of around 1.5cm, while arterial tumor vessels are not yet well developed. Therefore, it is presumed that both the portal blood supply and arterial blood supply may be insufficient for those tumors, and the HCC nodules may become in ischemic. Such an insufficient blood supply seems to be the major factor in the development of fatty change. Fatty change is also frequent in other nodular lesions, such as atypical adenomatous hyperplasia, which is regarded as a borderline lesion and adenomatous hyperplasia containing cancerous foci. Fatty change is also observed in the early stages of experimental hepatocarcinogenesis. Thus, it is also thought that fatty change is closely related to hepatocarcinogenesis.