臨牀消化器内科 Vol.15 No.2(4)

特集名 脂肪肝をめぐる最近の話題
題名 代謝疾患と脂肪肝
発刊年月 2000年 02月
著者 石橋 俊 東京大学医学部糖尿病・代謝内科
【 要旨 】 脂肪肝はcommon diseaseの一つであり,糖尿病や脂質代謝異常に合併しやすく,インスリン抵抗性症候群の1徴候とも捉えられている.発症機序として,アルコール性も含めて,後天的原因が重要だが,単一遺伝子疾患の代謝異常症が脂肪肝の原因となりうる.ミトコンドリアの脂肪酸酸化の酵素異常が妊娠時の急性脂肪肝の原因となることが明らかにされた.脂肪肝を呈する遺伝子改変マウスが次々と報告され,脂肪肝の発症機序やその合併症について示唆に富む知見を提供している.
Theme Fatty Liver Update
Title Metabolic Disease and Fatty Liver
Author Shun Ishibashi Department of Metabolic Disease, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo
[ Summary ] Fatty liver conditions arise from various metabolic defects. They are frequently associated with diabetes mellitus and abnormal lipoprotein metabolism, leading to the hypothesis that fatty liver conditions are a sign of insulin resistance syndrome (metabolic syndrome X). In most cases, acquired factors are involved in the development of fatty livers. Fatty livers are also caused by genetic disorders. In particular, acute fatty livers, associated with of pregnancy, are also associated with genetic diseases linked to fatty acid bata-oxidation in the mitochondria of the fetus. Mice lacking PPAR-alfa and ACOX develop fatty livers. Mouse based models of congenital, generalized lipodystrophy also show an association with fatty livers. These observations, obtained from genetically engineered mice will provide insight into the molecular mechanism of the pathogenesis of fatty livers.