臨牀消化器内科 Vol.15 No.2(2)

特集名 脂肪肝をめぐる最近の話題
題名 脂肪肝の画像診断
発刊年月 2000年 02月
著者 吉川 渉 東芝病院画像診断部
【 要旨 】 脂肪肝の画像診断には超音波およびCTがおもに行われ,非侵襲的な診断が可能である.超音波検査では,脂肪沈着部の肝エコーレベルは上昇し,高エコーとして認められ,比較対象としては右腎臓が適している.CTでは,脂肪沈着部の吸収値は低下してくる.比較対象としては脾臓が一般的であり,脂肪肝は脾臓より低吸収値を示す.また,局所的な脂肪肝やspared lesionは腫瘤性病変との鑑別が必要になってくる.区域性の脂肪肝は右葉に多く認められ,周囲血管の圧排は認められない.spared lesionは尾状葉,方形葉,胆嚢床周囲に多く生じることが特徴的であり,spared lesionが生じる原因は肝内の血流分布に関係があると考えられている.
Theme Fatty Liver Update
Title Diagnostic Imaging of the Fatty Liver
Author Wataru Yoshikawa Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Toshiba Hospital
[ Summary ] Ultrasound and CT are major screening modalities for fatty liver conditions. They are useful noninvasive tools for forming diagnoses. The presence of fatty deposits, seen on US indicates increased liver echogenicity. It is helpful to compare liver echogenicity with that of the right kidney. On CT, a charactaristic finding is one of diffuse, decreased attenuation within the liver. The liver is less dense than the spleen. Fatty infiltration of the liver can be diffuse or nonhomogeneous. Sometimes focal fatty infiltration or sparing occur. It is important to differentiate focal fatty changes from hepatic tumors. We often find focal fatty infiltration in the right lobe of the liver, which is an area of increased echogenicity on US or a high attenuation region on CT in lobar or segmental distribution. There is no mass effect on adjacent vessels. Typical locations for sparing areas are the caudate lobe, the quadrate lobe and around the gall fossa. The cause of sparing areas is considered to be related to the distribution of intrahepatic blood flow.