臨牀消化器内科 Vol.15 No.12(5-3)

特集名 大腸癌 -- 最新の進行大腸癌治療戦略
題名 根治性改善並びに再発防止戦略 (3) 他臓器転移の治療戦略 a.肝転移
発刊年月 2000年 11月
著者 岩本 一亜 国立仙台病院外科
著者 石山 秀一 国立仙台病院外科
著者 山内 英生 国立仙台病院外科
【 要旨 】 肝切除の安全性の確立および化学療法の進歩によって,予後の期待できる大腸癌肝転移例が徐々に増加してきている.肝切除がもっとも長期生存並びにQOLを期待でき,切除後の再発・予後因子として,(1) 原発病変の深達度,リンパ節転移の有無,血清CEA値,(2) 肝転移病巣の発見時期(初回手術からの期間),転移巣の最大径,転移巣の数,(3) 肝切除時の切除断瑞の距離(1cm以上),(4) 術後補助療法が挙げられる.大腸癌肝転移に対しては手術による局所と全身に対する化学療法を行い,さまぎまな症例に適合する冶療法の確立が期待される.進行大腸癌の治療には,初回手術時の局所コントロール同様,肝転移巣への局所ならびに全身治療の重要性が示唆される.
Theme Up-to-date Therapuetic Strategy for Advanced Colorectal Cancer
Title Treatments for Hepatic Metastasis in Colorectal Cancer
Author Kazutsugu Iwamot Department of Surgery, Sendai National Hospital
Author Shuichi Ishiyama Department of Surgery, Sendai National Hospital
Author Hidemi Yamauchi Department of Surgery, Sendai National Hospital
[ Summary ] There is an increasing number of metastases, resulting from colorectal cancer. The therapy for these metastases is gradually improving. Survival for five years or more is rare among patients with unresected hepatic metastases, who have received conventional systemic chemotherapy. After five years, about 30 percent of patients who have had liver resection are living. It was indicated that the prognoses for hepatic metastases in those who had liver resections depended on 1. Original colorectal cancer depth, lymph node involvement (Dukes C vs. B) and serum carcinoembryonic antigens, 2. Interval from primary operation, size of largest liver metastases and number of liver metastases (three or less vs. more than three), 3.Surgical margin (less than 10 mm vs. more than 10 mm), 4. Adjuvant chemotherapy (hepatic arterial infusion plus systemic chemotherapy having received or not). To treat suspected micrometastases in the remaining liver tissue and prevent extrahepatic spreading, a reasonable approach involves the use of a combination of regional therapy, such as hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy, and systemic chemotherapy. In the treatment of advanced colorectal cancer two theories were considered: primary forms of cancer were seen as a localized disease, requiring surgery, and secondary forms of cancer, such as hepatic metastases must be controlled through use of surgery as a local treatment and systemic therapy when the condition is wide spread.