臨牀消化器内科 Vol.15 No.1(9)

特集名 消化器疾患とQOL
題名 胃癌の治療とQOL
発刊年月 2000年 01月
著者 小川 敏也 自衛隊大湊病院
【 要旨 】 近年の胃癌治療では根治性だけでなくQOL向上も治療目標の一つとなり,縮小手術として内視鏡的治療や腹腔鏡下手術,幽門・噴門機能や自律神経を温存する術式が行われるようになった.いずれもリンパ節郭清範囲の縮小を前提としており,適応を拡大するためにはリンパ節転移をより正確に予知することが必須である.
一方,胃切除後の再建術式もQOL向上を目的としてさまざまな工夫がなされており,なかでも空腸pouchを用いた再建は術後の食事摂取量が良好で逆流症状を軽減し有用である.進行・再発胃癌においてはbio chemical modulationに基づいた化学療法や新たな制吐剤が副作用軽減や苦痛緩和をもたらしQOL向上に寄与している.
Theme Quality of Life in Gastroenterological Disorders
Title Quality of Life in Connection with the Treatments for Gastric Cancer
Author Toshiya Ogawa Japan Self Defense Forses Ohminato Hospital
[ Summary ] It has been accepted that treatment for gastric cancer should be evaluated not only from the viewpoints of survival rates or response rates, but also by reviewing the quality of life (QOL), during or after treatment. Endoscopic mucosal resection and local resection of the gastric wall, through laparotomy or laparoscopic surgery, can provide the best QOL. Proximal gastrectomy, pylorus preserving gastrectomy, and autonomic nerve preserving lymphadenectomy may produce a better QOL, compared with standard gastrectomy with D2 lymphadenectomy. Because these conservative operations allow less extensive lymphadenectomy, more reliable tools to detect metastatic lymph nodes are needed. To achieve a better QOL after radical gastrectomy, with standard lymphadenectomy, various reconstructing procedures have been developed, such as reconstruction using the jejunal pouch. When patients who underwent Roux-Y reconstruction using the jejunal pouch after total gastrectomy were compared with those who underwent the rho-type Roux-Y reconstruction without the jejunal pouch, patients with the jejunal pouch had a greater food intake and a lower incidence of esophageal reflux than those without. Chemotherapy based on biochemical modulation and newly developed antiemetics decreases side effects and provides better QOL for patients with advanced gastric cancer.