臨牀消化器内科 Vol.15 No.1(7)

特集名 消化器疾患とQOL
題名 慢性膵炎とQOL
発刊年月 2000年 01月
著者 桐山 勢生 大垣市民病院消化器科
【 要旨 】 一般的に慢性膵炎の患者は,他の慢性疾患の患者と比べるとQOLが良くない.しかも,本症の多くは進行性・不可逆性の病変で根本的に改善する治療法がない現状から,QOLの改善が治療の重要な目標の一つともいえる.慢性膵炎は,病期,成因によって病態が大きく異なり,QOL低下の要因としておもに代償期では腹痛,非代償期では膵外・内分泌機能不全が問題となる.成因別にはとくにアルコール性で飲酒癖と生活の乱れもありQOLが良くない.また,悪性腫瘍や肝疾患などの膵外の合併症の頻度も高い.患者のQOLの改善には,このような多彩な臨床像にいろいろな角度から的確に対処する必要がある.とくにアルコール性では禁酒が重要で,心身医学的なアプローチも必要なことがある.
Theme Quality of Life in Gastroenterological Disorders
Title Quality of Life with Chronic Pancreatitis
Author Seiki Kiriyama Department of Gastroenterology, Ogaki Municipal Hospital
[ Summary ] Chronic pancreatitis (CP) is usually characterized by irreversible and progressive disorders of the pancreas. It is well-known that QOL with CP is often poor. However, clinical features of the disease are varied, so that QOL is affected by the etiology and clinical stage. Etiologically, chronic alcoholism is most important, and QOL in alcoholic CP patients is poor compared with non-alcoholic patients. Drinking habits in addition to increased severity of pancreatic disorders reduse QOL alcoholic CP patients. The main factors causing deterioration in QOL for CP patients are abdominal pain in the early stages, and pancreatic exocrine and endocrine insufficiency in advanced stages. Not only complications directly related to pancreatitis but also extra-pancreatic disorders, particularly liver diseases and malignancies are often seen and there are other factors which reduce QOL for CP patients. In alcoholic CP patients, abstinence is most important and effective to achieve pain relief and to maintain a favorable QOL. However, persuading patients to abstin is difficult, and a psychosomatic approach is sometimes necessary. In the advanced stages, we should take care to treat diabetes, especially because pancreatic diabetes easily progresses hypoglycemia, because of consistent alpha-ceil dysfunction.