臨牀消化器内科 Vol.15 No.1(6)

特集名 消化器疾患とQOL
題名 便秘とQOL
発刊年月 2000年 01月
著者 平塚 秀雄 平塚胃腸病院
【 要旨 】 便通異常は通常,便秘と下痢に大別され,とかく真反対のものと考えがちであるが,そうではなく便通異常の裏腹のものと考えたい.下痢は水分量の多い状態,便秘は便が出にくく不快な状態のものを指すが,その定義は難しく,分類はさまざまである.便秘は一般に急性便秘と慢性便秘に大別されるが,高齢者の急性便秘は背景に大腸癌の存在を否定できないので鑑別診断が必要である.ここでは主として機能性便秘におけるQOLについて述べた.近年,高齢化社会に突入し,長期臥床者の便秘対策も重要である.またいわゆる便秘の快便健康法は,(1) 排便のメカニズムを理解させること,(2) 食生活のチェック,(3) 下剤に頼ることは最後の手外であること,を強調したい.
Theme Quality of Life in Gastroenterological Disorders
Title Quality of Life in People with Constipation
Author Hideo Hiratsuka Hiratsuka Gasteroenterology Hospital
[ Summary ] lrregular bowel habits are roughly classified into the categories of constipation and diarrhea. Although constipation and diarrhea are considered to be opposites, they are two sides of the same coin, and often alternate. Diarrhea may refer to frequent and watery stools. Constipation may refer to infrequent bowel movements, which may cause discomfort with the passage of stools. However, constipation is a relative term and difficult to define. Although the method of classification has not yet been established, it is considered that common forms of constipation are grouped into acute and chronic constipation. A careful differential diagnosis is required to determine whether constipation is a manifestation of underlying disorders such as cancer of the colon. In this report, the author describes the quality of life in people with functional constipation. Treatment guidelines must be established without delay that can help treat and prevent constipation, particularly in elderly people who are confined to bed, because the proportion of those people has increased rapidly in recent years. To reestabiish regular bowel habits, the following guidelines should help : (1) Know how the colon works. (2) Assess usual eating habits. (3) Do not rely unnecessarily on laxatives. The another emphasizes that laxatives should be the last resort, since the colon begins to rely on them to bring on bowel movements, and finally, fails to work properly.