臨牀消化器内科 Vol.15 No.1(3)

特集名 消化器疾患とQOL
題名 クローン病とQOL
発刊年月 2000年 01月
著者 樋渡 信夫 東北大学医学部第三内科
【 要旨 】 包括的QOLを評価する日本語版SF-36を用いた報告では,クローン病患者は一般健常人と比較して,身体機能の低下以外のほぼ全般的な低下を認めた.在宅経腸栄養法施行例では全体的な健康感の低下と社会生活の障害,ステロイド投与例ではほぼ全般的なQOLの低下を認めた.日本人用に改変されたIBDQを用いた疾患特異的QOLの評価では,男性,30歳未満,肛門部病変,在宅経腸栄養法でQOLが低下していた.「腹痛の程度」,「気分が優れない」,「挫折感」が,主観的QOLに有意に影響を及ぼしていた.追跡調査時,に内科的治療や手術により活動度が低下した症例では,各尺度や合計したQOLスコアは上昇したが,主観的QOLはほとんど変動しなかった.
Theme Quality of Life in Gastroenterological Disorders
Title Quality of Life in Patients with Crohn's Disease
Author Nobuo Hiwatashi Third Department of Internal Medicine, Tohoku Universily School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Evaluations of quality of life in Japanese patints with Crohn's disease were reviewed. Questionnaires used for surveying QOL were the SF-36 and IBDQ, modified for Japanese. According to the results from SF-36, scores for patients with Crohn's disease were significantly lower than the Japanese standard scores in every sub-scale, except physical functioning. According to IBDQ, QOL scores for patients with anal lesions or who were treated with home enteral nutrition decreased. In the longitudinal study, the scores for patients who had good responses to medical treatment and/or surgical intervention improved in relation to disease activity. However, subjective assessment did not change.