臨牀消化器内科 Vol.14 No.9(8)

特集名 超音波内視鏡の新展開
題名 カラードプラ法による超音波内視鏡検査
発刊年月 1999年 08月
著者 芳野 純治 藤田保健衛生大学第二病院内科
【 要旨 】 ドプラ超音波内視鏡は超音波内視鏡にカラードプラ機能を付加した装置である.本法の原理は血管内を移動する赤血球の移動速度と血流方向に応じて生じる周波数の偏位(ドブラ現象)を検出することによる.これにより,カラードプラ信号,流速波形などの各種の情報が得られる.しかも,消化管や胆膵領域の血流情報が体外式超音波検査より詳細に得られる.すなわち,食道・胃静脈瘤では壁内外の血管像や貫通静脈が描出され,治療効果の判定に用いられている.出血性胃潰瘍では止血後の早い時期に潰瘍底および潰瘍周辺部に血管が観察される.この他,粘膜下腫瘍の良・悪性の鑑別や悪性腫瘍の診断に用いられている.
Theme Recent Advances in the Endoscopic Ultrasonography
Title Endoscopic Ultrasonography Using Color Doppler Method
Author Junji Yoshino Department of Internal Medicine, Second Hospital, Fujita Health University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] By using color Doppler endoscopic ultrasonography examinations with a special endoscope, using the colored Doppler function may be performed. The principle of this method is to detect the deviations between the speed of erythrocytes and the frequency occurring in the direction of the blood stream (the Doppler phenomenon). Color-coded data is displayed in the cross-sectional images. By using this method, it is possibleto obtain colored Doppler signals, showing blood flow velocity, wave shapes, and information about diseases of the alimentary tract and the pancreatobiliary area. For example, in gastroesophageal varices, veins inside the wall and outside the wall are easily observed. This technique plays an important role in judging the therapeutic effects on these varices.In hemorrhagic gastriculcers, the blood vessels are sometimes observed at the base of the ulcer after bleeding episodes.It may also used for differential diagnosis of submucosal and other malignant tumors.